Chapter 22 ♛ Fireworks

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Adriana's Pov
When we got to the castle I directly went to the showers, and so did Susan and Lucy. I was so dirty I could barely stand myself!

Once I was done, I change into a beautiful white dress with gold decorations on the top. It had shoulder cut outs and long sleeves. It was a corset top and flowy (don't think that's a word but that's okay) bottom and it went to the floor and it had a piece of fabric that tied around my waist, loosely. (Dress above^)

A kind lady tied the corset at the back for me and did my hair. She pulled some of the hair in the front back and did a loose fishtail braid with it, simple, yer still pretty. (Hair above^) I then slip on my gold flats that have a beautiful pattern on them (shoes above as well^) and I walk out of the room.

I don't exactly know where I'm going, or what I'm going to do, but I decide just to walk around. I could hear the showers still running in the other rooms! They take long showers.

The only time I was in or around the castle was then we were invading it.

I walk around not knowing where I'm going. I was about to turn the corner but I bump into someone. I look up and it's Edmund. "There you are" he smiles, "I was just going to get you."

He takes my hand and we walk around the castle. "You look amazing" he stops and looks down at me, "don't hide your beautiful face" he says tilting my head up so I'm looking at him.

Then I stand on my toes and connect my lips to his, I could feel him kiss back. "I love you" I say, "I love you too" he says and reconnects our lips.

A few hours later we're all eating dinner in the big dining room. This is the best meal I've had in a while. Edmund keeps stealing my food, like he always does. I just roll my eyes and keep eating. I get more but only to see Edmund takes it. Susan and Lucy laugh and I just give them a fake smile and go back to eating.

After we all finish I walk back to clean up for the fireworks tonight and Ed comes with me.

When I come out of the bathroom I see Edmund just lying on the bed. I decide to grab a pillow from the closet and quietly sneak up behind him.

Then I hit him with the pillow and he falls off the bed and he's holding his leg. "Oh my god Ed are you okay " I ask running up to him.

"I didn't mea-", but I get cut off by him grabbing me and pulling me to the ground with him and he starts tickling me.

"E- Ed stop" I laugh and he picks me up and gently throws me onto the bed and continues tickling me.

Unfortunately he knows all my ticklish spots, my stomach, my sides, and my neck. "S- stop" is all I manage to get out in between my laughing.

"What's the magic word?" He smiles still tickling me.

"P- please" I laugh my stomach hurt from laughing so much, "nope" he smiles.

'What?' I think to myself. If please isn't the magic word what is?, "w- what is i- it?"  I ask still laughing.

"I........ lo-", "I love you" I cut him off and he stops tickling me.

I get up and walk to the other side of the room and stare at him. I walk to the bathroom and fix my hair because it was messed up from Edmund tickling me. I carefully brush through it with my fingers. The braid was still okay so it didn't need to be redone, thankfully.

Then I see Edmund walk through into the bathroom through the mirror and I give him a blank look. "Come on" he says and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

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