Chapter 39 ♛ Long Time No See

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Adriana's Pov
"What type of animals are there?" Gloria asks. Ever since I've told her about Narnia, which was about 5 days ago, she's been non stop asking me about everything. I get it, I would be too. It's a magical world.

"There's dogs, cats, lions, bears. Stuff like that" I say.

"No like.... Magical animals. Like the half horse, half person. Is that there?" She asks, "yes centaurs, Minotaurs, gryphons, fauns. They're all real in Narnia" I answer.

"That's crazy" she says and sits down on the bench in the park and I sit beside her, "how do you even get there?" She asks.

"I don't know. You just do" I say and I can tell she's confused, "well the first time I got there through a wardrobe, but the other time it was just.... Magic."

"So if I walk through a wardrobe I-", "No it's not that simple" I laugh cutting her off.

I can tell she really wants to go to Narnia. But I can't tell her she can, because I don't know. I don't want her to get her hopes up about it. "D- do you think anyone else has been to Narnia before?" She asks, "I don't know. If they have, I haven't heard anything" I say.

"Hey want to go to the place you always go to for lunch today?" She asks, "Harold's Café?" I ask and she nods.

"Sure lets go" I say and we start walking. It's getting close to lunch time, well at least I'm hungry.

We walk in and Harold is right there to great us like he does with all his customers. "Ah it's Miss. Adriana" he smiles, "and who's your friend?" He asks.

"Ugh Harold this is Gloria, Gloria this is Harold" I smile and they say hi, "go sit wherever darling I'll be over soon" he says and we pick a seat.

"He's very nice" she says and I nod, "so what's good here?" She asks looking at the menu.

"Um." I say and I get distracted by someone. The guy has his back to us but he seems familiar somehow, "Adriana" Gloria says waving her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh ugh everything" I answer, "everything here's great" I say.

"Okay I'll probably get the spaghetti" she smiles, "I'm having the club sandwich" I say cause I already know what I want.

I look back up and see the guy paying Harold at the front. I really want to walk up to him and see if we know each other, his dark hair, just how he stands in general. Harold looks up and smiles, "be right there love" he says and the guy walks out of the restaurant.

"What's up with you?" Gloria asks and I shake my head, "n- nothing I'm fine" I say and Harold walks up to us.

"What would you ladies like for lunch today?" He asks taking out a pen and paper, "I'll have the club sandwich" I smile, "and I'll have the spaghetti" Gloria smiles.

"Wonderful choices ladies, coming right up" he says and takes our menus. I look the the seat were the man who's normally there and he's not here. He must have come earlier.

"So what were you staring at?" Gloria asks, "what. I- I wasn't staring at anything" I say.

Gloria gives me a blank stare and I smile, "I'm not stupid Adriana. What were you staring at?" She asks, "okay! I was staring at the guy paying at the front" I confess.

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