34. Unbreakable

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(I would NEVER have gotten this chapter done with out JazzWCitty  she was a great help with inspiration and ideas)

       I got home late tonight.  It's been such an amazing day today.  I walked into my house to hear nothing more than my own breathing and footsteps.  I walked upstairs to my bedroom.  I was extremely tired.  I decided to lie down in my bed.  Just a couple seconds.  Before I knew it, I dozed off.

       I woke up the next morning in yesterdays clothes.  Oh no, did I fall asleep last night?  I sprung up and quickly showered, washed my hair, brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror.  My hair is so long and wavy.  I put on my usual red bow and a pink ombre skirt that went from light pink to magenta and a white laced v-neck tank top tucked inside the skirt.  i'm meeting up with Naoto again tonight.  Whenever I think about him, my heart beats faster.  Just the thought of him.  Black hair, gold eyes, small face, soft lips, and his warm smile.  Our last kiss replays in my head over and over.  Him and I under the stars on the roof, locking lips.  It was the most beautiful moment I've had.  I grabbed my purse and stepped out my door.  I have a photo shoot, an outdoor concert at a festival, and an autograph session today.  I'm busy but at least I have time to be with Naoto.

      Before the festival, my manager took me to the salon to get light pink acrylic nails with magenta rose designs.  Soon afterwards, I got my makeup done for the festival.  When I arrived at the festival, I saw More Than True setting up at one of the stages.  I excitedly ran towards them to see Naoto.  "You're performing here too?" I asked in excitement.  Naoto looked at me and said "I am." with a smile.  'When and which stage?" He asked.  "I'm performing at 2:00, and I'm at the main stage.  What about you?" I asked.  "I'm here at this stage at 1:00." Naoto said scratching his head.  Hiro came up to us holding a bottle of hairspray.  "C'mon Nao, we're going out to meet the fans soon." Hiro called out as Naoto looked his way.  Naoto turned his head to face me again as he sighed.  "I'll catch up with you later, but I'm busy at the moment." He said before kissing my forehead and walking off with his band.

       As I was setting myself up for my concert, someone tapped my shoulder.  I turned around expecting it to be Naoto, only to realize it was my aunt Suzume.  "Ichigo, what was that?" She asked.  Confusion struck me.  "What was what?" I asked.  "Don't play with me, I'm not in the mood for games." Suzume said.  "What are you talking about?" I asked.  "That guy.  Whats up with him." Suzume said.  "You mean Naoto?" I asked.  "The guy that needs a haircut that just kissed you." She growled.  "He's my fiance." I said.  "Fiance?!? He'll ruin the Hoshimiya name." Suzume said as she looked at her nails.  "No he wont.  And I don't need you to tell me otherwise." I said.  Suzume gave me her death look.  "Now listen to me-" "Is there a problem miss Hoshimiya?" My security guard asked.  "Yes, can you please get this lady away from me?  She's making my head hurt." I said.  "Yes, miss." The guy said.  "I think you'll need to move on, lady." He said.  "What? I'm her family.  Her aunt, in fact.  I have every right to-" Suzume was cut off by the security guard escorting her away.  

     When Naoto was done signing autographs, I ran over to him.  "I know your about to go on stage, but can I get a kiss first?" I begged.  He smiled a bit.  "Sure." he said.  He lifted my chin and leaned his head down until our lips touched.  I kissed him hungrily as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.  "Come on, Nao.  Use your lips to sing.  We're going on." Shurato called out.  We pulled away as my sweet Naoto said "I'm sorry, but I've got to perform now.  I'll see you later love." He said waving his hand.  "I saw that.  I wonder how your father would feel about you kissing before marriage." Suzume said.  Anxiety rose in me.  "Dad would hate it so please don't tell!!"  I begged.  "Too late, already texted him" She said holding up her phone to reveal she told dad.  My stomach sunk.  Oh no.....

       After a long day, I finally got Naoto all to myself.  Me and Naoto decided to go to his place.  When we were there, we sat on his couch as he rested his arm around me and held me close.  "Naoto....I have something important to tell you." I said with a sad tone.  "Whats wrong, love?" He asked.  I was so scared to tell him.  I don't want to worry him.  "Well....My evil aunt took a picture of us while we were kissing today and sent it to my dad.  Do you know how much he's gonna flip out?" I asked.  Naoto caressed my face his thumb as he looked deep into my eyes. "Don't worry.  No matter what happens, I won't let anything come between us." He said as he pulled my closer to him.  I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me with one arm and raked my hair with his free hand.  I wrapped my arms around his waist.  "I love you Naoto, so much." I said as I held him tighter.  "I love you too sweetheart.  Not only did you take my heart and soul, you became my heart and soul." He said making my heart beast faster as I blushed.  "You are my life." I said with a smile.  Naoto moved some of my hair out of the way and kissed my neck.  "I'm so lucky to have you." He said.  "I'm so glad I fell for you" I said with a smile.  I pulled back slightly and placed my hand on his jaw.  I then kissed him.  He kissed back hungrily before I pulled away and said "I hope things with my dad turn out for the best."  Naoto gave me a gently smile as he said "Even if things don't, I'll make sure everything will work out in the end." I smiled.  "Oh how I love you." I said.  He caressed my face as he smiled back.  "You're so beautiful." he said before lifting my chin and pulling me into another kiss.  When we pulled away, he wrapped both his arms around me and pulled me into him tight.   "You have no idea how precious to me you are." He said.  "You're so precious to me too." I said.  He held me tighter.  "Is it weird that I want to hold you like this forever?" He asked.  "No, because I want the same thing." I said holding him tightly as well.  Naoto moved my hair to the side and started kissing my jaw.   I blushed a bit.  He then moved down to kissing my neck.  It tickled a bit, but I liked the way it tickled.  Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz.  I ignored it as I kissed his cheek.  Then I heard it buzz again.   This time we pulled away as I checked it.  I saw 2 missed texts from my dad.  Both of them were very angry.  Not just at me but also mad at Naoto.  I handed the phone to Naoto to handle.  Naoto scrolled through the long text messages as he said "Like I said, I'll handle things."  Every tone in Naoto's voice made me feel calm once again.  I love him.  I love every tone of his voice, every look in his eye, and every curve of his lips.  "I-I should go now.  It's very late." I said grabbing my bag.  "Let me walk you." He said as we stood up.  "Ok." I said.

       On our walk back, he took hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers.  Our whole walk back was silent until I got home.  "By the way, don't worry about your father, I'll work things out with him." Naoto said before kissing my cheek.  "Sweet dreams." I said before walking in.  "Goodnight" He called out after me.  I smiled at him and blew him a kiss.  Then I closed my door.  I checked my phone again to see my dad sent more texts. They said:

Dad: Ichigo? is this true? have you been kissing your boyfriend before marriage?  You're too young!!

Dad: Ichigo? Why haven't you replied?  oh and what's this?

Dad sent an image.

I looked at the picture he sent me.  It was a picture of me and Naoto kissing.  My stomach turned as I read one last text from him.

Dad: I'm coming home!!

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