25. Ultimate STAR☆ANIS Reunion Tour

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Ichigo's POV

       "Got the stuff?" Aoi asked.  I nodded as I carried my suitcase to the bus.  I was instantly greeted by Mizuki.  "It's been a while, Ichigo."  She said with a wink.  When the bus left off, it didn't take long for Aoi to take her "rare pics" of Mizuki.  Not that she'd mind.  I sighed as I looked out the window.  My mind has been frequently on Naoto since December 26th.  I let myself space out.  As much as I always enjoyed and looked forward to performing with Mizuki, I'm always thinking about Naoto nowadays.
"Hey Ichigo, why don't you tell me what you're thinking about?" Aoi said poking me.  I shook my head. "It's a secret"

       We finished our last song in our first performance.  I was always hyped up as usual.  I gave it my all as always.  Only this time, I did it mostly to make Naoto happy.  He's probably finishing his own concerts.  "What's on your mind?" Mizuki asked catching me off guard.  "It's nothing."  I said looking at my bracelet.  "Cute bracelet!!"  She said.  "Hey Mizuki..."
"Don't you ever look back on all these years?"
"Of course I do, but it's hard to imagine how much time has passed."  She said as we walked outside.  "Look at the stars, aren't they beautiful?"  She asked looking at the sky.  I nodded.  The sky is beautiful tonight.

       We had a huge party at the end of our tour.  Popcorn was everywhere, Aoi took a bunch of rare pics, while I keep spacing out hugging my stuffed pink bunny.  Before we knew it, the tour ended and now, me Aoi and Ran are once again in charge of picture gathering for our upperclassmen's graduation.  It's just one more year....Then like I promised, I'll be with him.

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