30. Until The End....

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       "Ichigo? Did you not know he's 21?" Dad asked as Naoto was about to leave.  "Yeah, it shouldn't matter though, I just turned 19!!"  I said.  "I'm leaving in one week.  And that's how long you have to prove yourself, Suzukawa-kun." Dad said.  "Hey, Naoto?"  I said right before he could leave.
"What's up, Strawberry?"
"Even if you can't prove yourself, we'll still be together.....right.....?"
"If he can't prove himself, he'll just need to find another girlfriend." Dad said.  "Aren't you being a bit unreasonably crazy?" I asked.  "It's for your safety, Ichigo.  I don't want him to use you the wrong way." He said.  "Ichigo, meet me at dawn at our usual meeting place." Naoto whispered in my ear before he left.

(Now would be a good time to put on the song up above if you haven't already)

I hugged my stuffed bunny.  All I can think about is Naoto.....
      It was a winter night....he came to my window.  His black hair moved with the wind, his eyes glowed in the moonlight, for it was a full moon that night.  I got out as he climbed the tree.  At the time, he didn't know I was madly in love with him, since I figured he wouldn't feel the same way.  We sat there and talked.  The more I heard him talk, the more confidence I felt.  So I told him, and it turned out he felt the same way!!  But I had to wait a year due to my age.  But when he confessed to me....I felt like I was dreaming.  There's no way I could love someone else.
He makes me happy!!   I'll prove to my dad that he's all I can ever ask for.  Before I knew it I dozed off.....

       On my way to the river, I took a shortcut through the city.  As I walked down the crosswalk, I saw a car speeding towards me.  My body froze as I tried to run.  The more I tried to move, the stronger my paralysis got.  Suddenly I felt myself get thrown across the road.  I slowly got up to see Naoto laying down on the road, bleeding.  The car that came at me drove away quickly.  I got up and ran to him.  I lifted him onto the sidewalk.  From there, I rested his head on my lap.  "Naoto? Wake up!!" I cried trying to wake him up.  His body was unconscious.  I quickly called an ambulance.  As the ambulance approached us, I saw a box fall out of his pocket.  I opened it to see a ring with a note that said "Will you marry me?"  I let tears roll down my cheeks.  My prince is dying on my behalf.  If only I didn't freeze.  I would've said "yes" a thousand times....

       At the hospital, I sat for like 3 hours looking at the ground in the waiting room.  Then dad walked into the room.  How did he know I was here?  "I'm sorry for misjudging your boyfriend." He said with a sad look on his face.  I didn't bother looking up or giving a response.  "Any man who'd risk his life for yours is a man I can trust."  I looked up wiping a tear.  "It may be too late for you to say that...."  I said silently.  I pulled out the ring.  We were nearly engaged.....  "Are you Suzukawa Naoto's girlfriend, Ichigo?" A doctor asked.  I nodded.  "Well....I have some news....." she said.  I took a deep breath.  "What are the results?"

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