3. Operation Prankatsu

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Song Credit: Sailor Moon.

       The weekend is over and I'm back at starlight academy.  It gave me and Ichigo less time to plan our massive revenge prank.  Me and Ichigo walked back into the academy together.  We were gonna meet at lunch break to plot the prank.

       "Suzukawa Sensei!!" Oozora Akari said running up to me while I was walking in the halls.
    "Is there something you need Oozora?" I said lifting my glasses.
    "First of all why do you call me Oozora? Second of all, why did you switch from being a janitor to a teacher?"  She said fast and loud.  I sighed.
      "I call all the students here by their first names, but if you want me to call you by your last name I will. As for taking on a job as a teacher, wouldn't you give up picking up garbage after noisy girls for teaching them manners?" I said before turning back to continue walking.
      "Hey, girls are NOT noisy" Akari yelled.  "I've been working at this school for  much longer than you have, if you think you know everything  why don't you go bother your own teacher" I stated before taking my steps again.  "If anyone's noisy, it's boys. They're all sweaty, dirty, and ugh.  My own dad warships dirt"  Akari argued.  "That's your dad's problem. Us boys have way better manners than I see in you" I stated correctly.  "Hoshimiya Senpai" Akari cried running towards Ichigo.  She started crying and rambling something to her.  Probably talking about me....  I face-palmed for a moment untill I heard Ichigo talk.  "I bet Suzukawa sensei just wanted to give you advice.  He's a great guy!!" She said winking at me.  I waved back right when the bell had to ring. "Suzukawa Sensei" Akari called out after me.  "Yes?" I said turning around.  "You never answered me.  Who is gonna clean up after us 'noisy girls' now?"  She said with a mouthy tone of voice when she said the 'noisy girls'.  "Why don't you?"  I said with a sassy smile.

(At Lunch Time)

"Suzukawa Sensei!!" Ichigo called out excitedly while I went to her table.  She was sitting apart from the rest of her friends today.  "Hello Hoshimiya" I said sitting down.  I couldn't help but notice how much food she had.  "Are you sure you can eat all that?" I asked in surprise.  "Are you kidding? This is less than I usually eat." Hoshimiya said picking up her chop sticks.  She had a king-sized bowl of stir-fried rice with egg,  a big bowl of udon-noodle soup, and a big side-dish of sushi with raw salmon.  "How do you eat all of that?" I asked.  "Me and my dad share a big appetite." She said digging into her sushi. "I'm not surprised" I said before biting into my jelly and peanut butter sandwich. "Don't you ever spoil yourself?" Hoshimiya asked. "I am" I said pointing to my sandwich. She just finished her sushi while I only took a bite out of my sandwich. "I have an idea!!" Hoshimiya said standing up. "I'll be right back" She said with a wink. Her seat was left deserted for 2 minutes. By the time she got back, I was done my sandwich. Hoshimiya came back with 2 strawberry parfaits. "This is my definition of spoiling" She said with a wink. "Now on to business, what kind of prank should we pull?" I said taking a bite out of my parfait. "Something scary" She said finishing her rice. "How about we go check out some haunted sites?" I said supporting this new idea. "Like real haunted sites?" Hoshimiya asked excitedly. I nodded. "I was thinking on Friday we could go around Tokyo ghost hunting?" I said. Hoshimiya checked her phone and looked up. "Look what I found" She said handing it to me. I took the phone and there was an article pulled up on her phone about an abandoned house not too many miles from Tokyo with a lot of secret passage ways. 132 people died in there and it's said to be haunted my a man with no face, a schoolgirl with a blood covered uniform, a haunted doll and a little girl. "After school tomorrow we're definitely going there. " She said smiling. "No." I said.
       "Awe why?" She asked.  "Because I'm not some idiot teacher who's gonna take s student to a haunted house." I said.

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