10. Grounded Part 2

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       I was disappointed I misunderstood, I guess it's better off in the friend zone.  "Alright guys, you got us so good!!" Hiro said laughing.  "You think this is funny dude?"  King exclaimed.  "The lovebirds weren't half bad, admit it king."  Shurato said.  "We aren't lovebirds, Shurato"  Suzukawa said in an angry tone.  "Shall we put on a movie" Hiro said holding up his horror movie collection.  "You seriously brought your horror movies?"  Suzukawa asked in his normal bored voice.  "C'mon, Nao." Hiro said shaking his dvd's.  "I give in...."  Suzukawa said.  "So, this movie is an american movie called 'Bloody Mary'.  This is based on an urban legend." Hiro said.  "What about the others?"  I asked.  "This one is about BEK's."  Hiro said holding up a different movie.  "What's a BEK?" I asked.  "BEK stands for Black Eyed Kid.  Legend has it that they dwell around at night.  They tend to ask for rides home, or come to your house for directions.  And the second you notice their eyes are pitch black,  your never seen again.  Rumor has it that they eat their victim's souls and feed off their flesh."  Hiro said.  "Is this another american movie?" I asked.  Hiro nodded.  "I think it's too scary for Ichigo."  Suzukawa said.  "Why don't we go to the movie theater to see the new Disney movie?"  Shurato said.  Disney is a worldwide favorite, why not?  "Okay!!" I said.  I'm pretty sure I have money in my pocket.  I checked for my wallet to find it in my back pocket.  "Sure,  I'm sure  the new movie, 'The Good Dinosaur' isn't too scary for girls"  Suzukawa said.  Why does he think I'm a scaredy cat just because I'm a girl?

After the movie.....

Time:  2:30.

Place: the Mall. 

       Me and Suzukawa walked by the claw crane machine.  I looked at the stuffies in there and fell in love at first site over a pink bunny.  I inserted a coined and couldn't get it.  "Let me try" Suzukawa said.  He played the game and managed to get it.  "Here you go!!"  He said handing it over.  "Thank you!!" I said with a smile.  The emotion I had inside got stronger.  I wish he'd feel the same way.  Suzukawa smiled at me.  We walked into the main part of the mall.  The theater we watched the movie in was at the mall.  We found the others at the food court.  We walked over to their table.  Suzukawa put his arm around my waist as we walked.  I got the feeling someone was following me again.  The first time I didn't care but I'm feeling the same presence as earlier.  "Is something wrong?"  Suzukawa asked.  "I'm fine."  I said.

Suzukawa Naoto's point of View.....

       It's extremely hard to hide my feelings right now.  I've been in love with her since she was back from America.  It's the way she smiles, the way she shines, and the way her bow goes up and down with her emotions.  I can't believe I nearly let it out to her today.  The fact that she'd disobey her house rules for me makes me feel like I owe her.
       As expected, she bought a lot of food at the food court.  She bought what she'd normally have back at the academy.  I only got green tea and a sandwich.  Knowing her, she's probably going to buy a parfait once she's done.  "Does she usually eat that much?"  King asked.  "You think that's big? look at the size of her parfait once shes done."  I said.  "Just watching her eat is making my food taste better." Shurato said.

After They're Done their food.

Time:  3:30

Place: The Arcade

       Ichigo beat me again at the aikatsu video game.  I wasn't surprised there'd be an Aikatsu game with her Avatar as well as Shibuki's, Kiriya's, Oozora's, and the others.  Next she wanted to do the karaoke on the other side of the mall.
      "You should do one of our songs, Ichigo-Chan!!" King said.  I selected the song "Alice Blue's Kiss" and grabbed the mic.  Considering, I'm the vocalist of the band, it should be easy.  After the song, I noticed some of our fans crowded around.  Then Ichigo picked "Kira Power".  "Isn't that too easy?" I asked. "Picking one of your own songs doesn't make you any better does it?"  She said.  When she started singing, more fans crowded around.  Once her song was done, Hiro went up to try singing our song.  "Wait for us!!" King yelled pulling Shurato up with him.  The three of them trying to sing was hilarious.  Hiro's voice seemed okay, but Kings voice was low and 2 keys down, and Shurato's voice was too high and he was singing an octave too high.  Ichigo and I laughed so hard.  King and Shurato were ruining poor Hiro's performance.  Ichigo held my hand.  "I can see why you're the vocalist."  She said with a giggle.  "If I were to take a sick day, Hiro would definitly be the man to take my spot"  I said laughing.  Ichigo laughed.  Her bow sprung up with her emotions.  It didn't take long for us to be crowded by our fans.  I lost track of the time while we played karaoke, signed autographs and other stuff at the mall.

       Once we made it out of there, I checked the time to find that it was 6:00.  "Lets watch one of my horror movies now!!"  Hiro said when we walked back into my apartment.  "First, what will we do with the chili you pranked us with? I don't want it to go to waste."  Shurato said.  "Why don't  we eat it over rice?"  Ichigo said.  "I've never done that before, lets try it!!"  King said.  I put the rice in the rice cooker to cook over 30 minutes.  "Shall we watch Bloody Mary or BEK's?"  Hiro asked holding them up.  "How about both?"  Ichigo said with her bow springing up.  ""Even better idea!!" Hiro said inserting the BEK dvd first.

       Ichigo hid her face in my chest during the 3rd BEK encounter scene.  I knew this movie was too scary.  I checked the time to find it was already 7:30.  "How long is this movie?"  I asked.  "4 hours!!" Hiro said.  We only started the movie an hour ago.

       After the BEK movie it was already 10:30.  Hiro inserted the Bloody Mary movie.  I swear, this better not be too bad.
       In the middle of the Bloody Mary movie (which is 3 hours long) I noticed Ichigo was the only one beside me and Hiro, King, and Shurato were gone.  Ichigo was crying from all the scary scenes of the movie.  I stood up to go to the bathroom.  I opened the door to see Hiro lying on the floor with blood on his face.  "Not falling for it."  I said walking out.  "What's going on?"  Ichigo asked walking up to me.  She screamed at the sight.  I pair of hands pulled her in and closed the door on me.  I heard her scream so loud the neighbors could hear her.  Then I hear a dead silence.  I opened the door to see the lights off with Hiro jumping out at me.  "Not cool!!"  I yelled.  The guys laughed.  Ichigo continued to cry.  "You made her cry!! Do you not know the number one rule to being a dude is to not make girls cry."  I yelled.  "Suzuawa San!!"  Ichigo said hugging me.  I hugged back knowing she just got the lights scared out of her.  "Being close too you always makes me so happy!!"  She said.  "Same here."  I said.  She's one of my main sources of happiness.
       After the movie I checked the time to see it was 1:30am.  Ichigo must've also looked at my watch because her face froze.  "My parents are going to kill me!!"  She said.  "Want me to walk you home?"  I asked.  She nodded nervously.

Hoshimiya Ichigo's POV

       I was so scared to come home.  My parents will be so mad.  I walked out of the building with Suzukawa.  My legs were turning to jelly.  Suzukawa-San wrapped his arm around my waist.  "Are you gonna be ok?"  He asked.  He must've noticed how nervous I was.  In the middle of our walk, I saw a car stop right beside us.  From there, I saw my Parents as well as Raichi walk out.  And none of them looked happy....

A/N:  I miscalculated Suzukawa's age in one of the Chapters.  I went on Aikatsu wikia and realized, since the story takes place in season 4,  (It's pretty much Ichigo and Naoto's POVs afar from Akari)  and in Aikatsu wikia, it says he's 19-20 in season 3, so He must be 20-21 now.  And Ichigo is now 17-18.  

I've edited it out now, but if you read it as it was before I edited, I hope I've justified it. 

        Also, I'm so happy for all my votes!! Even though I don't have a lot, I appreciate it SO much.  I'll try to update every day.  At the very least, once a week.  But I promise I won't be too absent!!

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