23. ❤ Moments You Can't Forget ❤

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Hoshimiya Ichigo's Point of View

       "It feels so weird to say goodbye."  Naoto said as we stood up and walked away from the riverside.  "How long have you been working at starlight academy?" I asked.  "I've worked as the groundskeeper from the age of 14." He answered in his usual calm voice.  "I can't believe I graduate next year....Starlight Academy is like my home."  I said.  Naoto held my hand.  "I've had a lot of happy memories back at the academy.  Remember how we met?"  "Oh yeah!! When I snuck into Mizuki's van right?  Why did you help me out?"  I asked.  "You seemed determined.  It was kinda cute."  He said looking at me with a smile.  "When did you first develop feelings for me?"  I whispered.  "I first got a crush on you when you followed me all day about 4 years back.  It was much easier to hide back then."  He said looking looking ahead.  "What about you?"  "I first had a crush on you on Christmas day."  I answered.  "I guess that was my Christmas present then."  He said laughing.

       We finally made it to the frozen yogurt place.  As I usually do, I got the strawberry flavored and strawberry toppings.  I looked at my watch to see it was 3:45.  Me and Naoto talked and talked about our encounters over the years, for example: The time I gained weight and he gave me the baked potato.  It turned out it was for me, but he pretended it was for himself so I wouldn't catch on.  Then I realized, I've only ever seen him smile when I'm around.  All the rest of the time, he acts emotionless.  "Hey, do you mind if I quickly make a phone call?"  he asked.  "Of course!!"  I answered.

Naoto's POV

       I dialed Hiro's phone number for details.  "Hello?"  He answered.  "Hey dude, I was just wondering, do I have to quit right away?"  I asked.  "What? you mean your job as a teacher?"  He asked.  "Yeah...."  I answered.  "Well, we'll need to practice really hard as soon as we can, so I'd say as soon as you can."  He said.  "Got it, bye."  I said hanging up.  "Sorry, Strawberry.  I needed to ask details."  I said.  "It's fine."  Ichigo said.  "So...I forgot to mention, we're going on tour at the end of January, maybe you'd like to see a movie at my place before I leave for tour?"  I asked.  Strawberry started blushing like crazy.  "S-sure."  She said.  Once we finished frozen yogurt, she checked her watch again.  "I have to go, it's 4:15 and my break ends at 4:30.  I need to make my way to my bus."  She said.  I nodded.  With that, she stood up and payed for our yogurt.  Then I watched her walk out.  As much as I try to act cold, she keeps breaking my ice.

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