16. All lies!!

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       I went over to the bench in front of the bento shop to meet up with Nao.  "Hey, Ichigo."  He said in his usual cool voice.  "Hey."  I said.  "Whats wrong?"  he asked.  "It's just, Mister S is following me everywhere now...."  I said looking at the ground.  "I take it it's because of your argument with Kiriya."  He said leaning back.  I nodded.  He put his arm around my shoulders. "Don't, not at a time like this...." I said as he removed his arm.  "Sorry, you're right, this is a bad time."  He said sitting up.  I looked up at him.  "Maybe we should take a break, until he stops stalking me...." I said holding back tears.  "I understand."  He said, he sounds so calm.  "I've got to go.  I'll see you around."  I said standing up and starting to slowly walk .  "Wait, there's something I'd like to ask."  He said. I stopped in my tracks.  "hmm?" I responded.  "You still made your promise, are you keeping it?"  He asked standing up.  "I'd never break that promise."  I said with a smile.  With that I started walking again.  "One more thing."  He said in a low voice.  I stopped walking again.  "Go for it."  I said holding back tears.  "If he does write a scandal about this, about us, I will break his jaw."  He said in an angrier manner.  I turned around and started walking back to the academy.

       I ran into my dorm room crying.  "What's wrong, Ichigo?"  Aoi asked.  "I can't talk about it."  I cried laying down on my bed.  I hugged the stuffed bunny Naoto gave me close to my heart as I cried.  I  felt as if someone took everything good in my life away from me.

       I read today's issue of idol freak daily in shock.  Mister S wrote scandal about me being a diva!!  I read through it to find a bunch of lies he made up.  I turned off my iPad and stormed out of my dorm.  This couldn't be worse.....

(One Week Later.....)

Kiriya Aoi's POV

       Me, Ran and the others have been trying to comfort Ichigo all week, but she keeps saying she's fine with a fake smile.  Even Suzukawa-Sensei's worried.  I watched Ichigo playing on her phone, trying to cool down (she loves cooking Mama).  If I were to approach her, she'd just fake a smile and say she's fine.  Why aren't Suzukawa-Sensei or Johnny-Sensei doing anything?  Johnny can always make her laugh, but why isn't anyone helping now?  I looked around and spotted Suzukawa-Sensei for some reason sweeping.  I ran over to him.  "Suzukawa-Sensei, why are you sweeping?" I asked.  "I saw some dirt and I guess my old habits kicked in."  He said putting down the broom.  "Hey, can you do me a favor?"  I asked.  "First I want to know what it is."  He answered in a bored voice.  "Could you maybe cheer Ichigo up for me?  She keeps faking a smile, but I also see her cry behind the scenes."  I said.  "I'll try my best, but if wants to be alone right now, there's nothing I can do."  He said looking at me.  "Do what you can, after all, you are kinda the wise one here."  I said looking at the ground.  He walked off towards Ichigo.  I couldn't make out what they were talking about, but I watched her cry while saying something.  

Hoshimiya Ichigo's POV

       "None of the stuff he said is true, and you know it.  You can't run away from your problems.  You need to face them to get over them, and in this case you'll need to confront him.  I'd also recommend tweeting to kirakratter that the things he said aren't true."  Naoto said sitting beside me.  "But won't my fans think I'm lying?"  I asked.  "As long as you've told the truth that's what counts.  If they don't believe you, they don't deserve to call themselves fans."  He said standing up.  "Think about it, Ichigo" 

     What he said was right....  This is why I love him so much, he's so wise.  I'm going to take his advice!!!

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