8. Ichigo's Christmas

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Hoshimiya's Point of View

       Aunt Suzume arrived at 2:00.  We're currently renting a chunk of a restaurant.  She was wearing expensive looking clothes and looked like she came out of a fashion magazine. I was just wearing a baby pink sweater tucked into a fuchsia skirt with a bow in the front and sparkly pink flats. I opened the door for me while she just stared at me like I just took candy from a baby. "Did I get the wrong house?" She asked. "Nope, It's me, Taichi" Dad said.  "Aren't you a little old to be wearing bows? I thought you were a peasant" Aunt Suzume said. "Hey, don't talk to my daughter that way!!" Mama said. "Of course she'd be a disgrace if your her mother." Suzume said. "Excuse me?" I said. "What's this?" She said picking up one of Raichi's magazines that he left on the ground.I took the magazine to see a picture of me in my starlight academy uniform. "So, you're an idol? Enjoy it while you can, plain face. One day, you'll be too old and ugly and no one will like you. You'll just be forgotten." Suzume said. "Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that!!" Dad yelled with a glare. "It's fine Daddy, I can't take that too seriously, right?" I said with a giggle. "Try not to look so creepy when you smile" Aunt Suzume said. I stopped smiling as I was told. "Try not to be so rude!!" Mama yelled. "Says the one wearing last year's dress." Suzume said. Hopefully Grandma, and my other aunts, cousins and uncles will arrive soon. My cousins, the kids of Suzume (Who I've never met) walked in. "Ichy-girl, Taichi, Ringo, this is my son, Takashi and my daughter, Toshiko." Suzume said. She sure had some nerve to give me that nickname. Both Cousins had different hair colours. Toshiko had pastel pink hair in a side braid while Takashi had dark green. Toshiko looked around 14 and Takashi looked around 6. "Forgive me for my mother's rudeness" Toshiko said blushing.  Finally my grandma from mom's side arrived at 2:30.

(Now would be a good time to turn on the song at the top) 

       Once everyone else came, I decided to take another walk to get some fresh air.  I walked down the icy roads as a cleared my mind it must have been about 3:15 since the sun was setting. I sat down and enjoyed the view of the sun setting over the river for half an hour.  "Hey Hoshimiya"  Suzukawa said taking me by surprise.  I turned around to see him sit down beside me.  "It's no surprise I run into you again."  He said with a bit of a laugh.  "Yeah, things were elevating at my house so I decided to come out here to relax"  I said.  Something about his presence gives me an emotion I've never felt before.  It's similar to happiness, but I only feel it with him around.  "Yeah, I can imagine that.  My sister is holding a massive family reunion this Christmas."  He said looking at the horizon.  "Same here"  I said looking at the sky get dark.  "It's getting late, it's not safe for girls like you to walk alone at night, would you like me to walk you home?"  He asked with a smile. "It's only 4:00"  I said.  "Well, that's pretty late during the winter."  He said.  "It's about 3:45, it's getting dark. I'll ask again, need someone to walk you home?"  "Sure"  I said.  I loved spending time with him.  I didn't realize I was blushing.  "We never got back at the boys for their grudge prank did we?"  I said.  "I figured you've forgotten by now"  He said.  "I guess I'm still shaken"  I said.  I swear, this emotion I'm feeling.  It's as if I'm falling in love.  "Alright, what do you have in mind?"  He asked.  Hmm, I got it.  "How about I make the guys chili made from pure hot sauce and beans."  I suggested.  "Not a bad idea, I could just imagine it."  He said. "That just gave me a great idea!!  Why don't we plan it out tomorrow?" He said.  The two of us stood up.  "Why don't we meet at this very riverside tomorrow at 11:00, I'll think of something overnight."  I said.  "Okay, you promise you won't bail out?"  He asked.  "It's a promise."  I said with a wink.
       Suzukawa San held my hand the way to the restaurant.  The walk was full of laughing and talking, I didn't ever want it to end.  I was so disappointed when I was actually there since I wanted to be with him longer.  "I'll see you after New Years, Hoshimiya."  He said before turning around.  "Call me Ichigo from now on"  I yelled.  "Alright, Merry Christmas and happy new year's Ichigo"  He said before turning around.  "Merry Christmas Suzukawa San"  I yelled waving.  I was still blushing when I walked into the restaraunt.

       I walked into the restaurant at around 5:00.  "Ichigo, where were you?"  Dad said coming over to greet me.  "Just getting fresh air" I said.  "Next time you go out, tell me.  I'm not mad since I can understand how you feel."  Dad said.    He's always so understanding.  At dinner, Suzume decided to start another fight.  I was of course, thinking about Suzukawa.  "So, Ichy girl, trying not to scratch your back?  You must be so uncomfortable, your eyes are red." Suzume cackled.  I hated all her insults.  So what if I had crimson eyes.  A few people looked over and giggled  "Aw, I didn't mean to embarrass you" she added.  The others looked at me and laughed a bit.  I was so angry, I threw her plate of food all over her.  "How dare you!! I can't believe I could have such a disgrace as my niece!!"  Suzume yelled standing up.  "Mom, enough is enough!!"  Toshiko said.  "Don't talk to me that way."  Suzume said.  "You know, I think your daughter has a point, I'm sick and tired of the way you're treating me"  I yelled.  "I am your elder!! Show me some respect!" Suzume exclaimed.  "She's right, it doesn't matter whether she's right or wrong, Ichigo.  You need to show some respect for your elders"  Mama said.  Why is she sticking up for Aunt Suzume?  I'm the one getting trash talked.  "I know now isn't a good time, but I've been a fan of yours for so long."  Takashi said.  That made me feel better.  "Aw thanks, you made my day."  I said.  "I'd hate to say this Ichigo, but you're grounded for 2 days"  Dad said.  Well well, what a Christmas.

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