21. News of a Life Time!!

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      "Suzukawa-Sensei, you weren't eavesdropping were you?"  Madoka asked nervously.  "No, but I  couldn't help overhearing."  He said.  "Hey guys, we're back."  Risa, Nonocchi, Sumire, Hinaki, Juri, and Rin said approaching us.  "I see you're finally back."  Naoto said.  "Oh Crap."  Sumire said.  "What did you get?"  Madoka asked.  "We snapped pics of Mister S...PICKING HIS NOSE!!!"  Juri said.  "EW" Me and Akari said.  "Imagine writing a scandal  about this for payback."  Hinaki said.  "Greaat idea!!" Akari said.  "Do you really think writing a scandal about him will change things?"  Naoto asked.  "Hey, we worked our butts off for this plan!!" Hinaki said.  "Could you maybe allow it just this once?" Madoka asked.  "No way, you broke the rules."  He said.  "Please...."  I said giving him the puppy eyes.  "Maybe just this once....Alright you're off the hook."  He said walking away.

       We finally published our payback scandal to the internet.  "Are you feeling better?"  I asked.  Akari nodded.  "Who wants to have a dorm room party?" Hinaki yelled.  "But it's already 10:00.  Isn't that our Lights Out time?" Sumire asked.  "Lets have fun, just for tonight."  I said.  We were already in Akari's room.  We had pillow fights, danced, and joked around.  Our curtains were closed, so we couldn't see the sun rise.  Before we knew it, it was 8am in the morning.  "Have we really been up all night?"  Madoka asked.  I looked at the time on my phone and nodded.  "I'm so tired."  Rin said.  "Hey guys, homeroom class is in 15 minutes!" Juri said.  "I had fun last night!!  I'll see you later."  I said walking out of their room.  I headed over to my room to fix my makeup and hair.  "There you are."  Aoi said with her arms crossed.  "Sorry, I lost track of the time."  I said.  With that, I headed off to my bus.  I looked through the reviews on our scandal on Mister S.  There was 2 Million viewers.  I wish I could see his face when he reads it!!

Naoto's POV

       I face palmed as I read the scandal the students wrote.  I'm surprised people take this so seriously.  The scandal was about his bad habits.  How could this get dumber.  To think Ichigo would participate. 

(Now would be a good time to listen to the song above...)

       Suddenly, I heard my ringtone.  I picked up my phone and pressed the "answer" button.  "Hey, Nao. What's up?"  Hiro asked.  Did he not know I'm about to teach a class?  "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me at work"  I said in my usually cold voice.  "I know, it's just we've got good news, and bad news."  Hiro said.  "Alright...I'll hear the bad news first to get it over with."  I said as the bell rang.  I hated wasting my students time while I was on the phone.  "The bad news is, if we want to carry on as a band, you can't have your job as a teacher.  Our manager is getting us busy so you'll only be able to work part time."  Hiro said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.  "What's the good news?"  I asked as my students walked into the classroom.  "Well....we're going on tour at the end of this month, after that we're working on an album.  Then we'll be on talk shows, game shows, this is our big break man!!"  Hiro said getting excited.  I looked at the students.  They've grown so much on me....but I have to decide.  My students....or band?

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