Dream I: November 16, 2011 - The Orange Diamonds

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The Orange Diamonds

I stood at the bottom of the steps in my back yard. The stairs would have lead up to my house. I didn't feel like going back inside. Upstairs, my mother's relations were visiting. Things always got really loud. Every once in a while (actually, more often than not), there were arguements. It was best to stay out of them.

I was sent outside with a bunch of the kids. I wondered why they thought sending children into the outdoors was going to do any good. I knew these children and half expected one to scream, "The light! The light, it burns!"

But, they pattered around and chased each other, something I found peculiar. They never chased each other.

Unless they were terrorizing each other.

 That didn't seem the case. In the grass, a quick flicker caught my eye. The moment my eyes focused, it was gone. "Hmm. That's another odd thing to tack in the list," I muttered under my breath.

They still chased each other in a wild game of tag. And yet again, I found something strange, there was no pushing. Relative in my Mother's side were a hot blooded lot and tended to be rougher than we thought. Why wasn't there someone crying already?

I entertained that thought until I saw it. Slithering through the grass. A string of orange diamonds. On a serpentine, black body. I gasped for air as it slithered closer. Think. Think. It is about seven feet in length. Not bad for the snake; very bad for us. It probably shouldn't be that big. So, either pet or it is some sort of wild experiment. Muscular, so constrictor. Not like any one i have ever seen. Closest thing has inverted colors. In Africa. And is dangerously poisonous. I began to hyper-ventalate. Calm down we still have ten feet.

"Snake! Get out of the way!" I jumped off the step and ran forward. Most heeded my warning and were up the steps. One thing I didn't realize before sprang up in my mind. Snakes had a good sense of heat. And vibrations. It would have sensed that herd of elephants. so get them still and...The AC.

"Get inside!" I yelled. The patter of footsteps answered. I almost turned tail and ran too. Then I saw them. A boy and a girl. My little sister.

"Get back here!" And then I saw the arm of the person she was pulling on. That idiot. Did he think it was cool to get eaten?

"Move!" I screamed. Why didn't anyone hear me? By now, there should have been help.

The snake was closing in. We had three feet. What was that kid thinking?

"Get out of the way!" And I saw it. His sneakers had the same orange diamond on black material. It looked remotely scaly. I wondered if his parents had been stupid enough to get him snake-skin sneakers. I wanted to do a face-palm. Too late.

"Stay still.  Don't move." It slithers closer. I prayed with every atom I had that God would get me out of this situation with the kids still intact. Or mostly intact.

"Leena *, back away slowly. And don't make any useless vibrations." My sister slid her feet backwards. And she managed to slide about one foot when stupidity struck. The boy stomped his foot down. and the snake turned its head. It nosed his foot and his leg. Leena ignored my instructions. And she walked back over to the snake.

I didn't know much of snake's body language but in any language, I could tell it was angry. The fangs were out. It hissed. Territorial. 

"Back away slowly. No sudden movements." They stayed where they were. I wasn't sure if it was fear or pure cheek.  What to do?

I jumped. ** Sure enough, it worked.

The triangular head pointed in my direction and it slowly slithered to me. I picked a spot a few steps away and jumped. The impact sent shivers in my soles. But it was effective. I posed a bigger threat. It would eliminate me first.  

"Run!" They did a double take and I wonderd if we were all speaking the same language. "Run! Move! get your feet off the floor!" I had guided the snake into an aclove near the stair case. A door to my left and a hollow under the stairs to my right. I tried the handle. I was out of luck. It struck.

I shrieked and brought my leg up in a defensive position and kicked. *** The sole of my converse miraculously made contact with the jaw of the snake. It lowered my guard hoping my kick had stunned it or knocked it far off. But it was concious and still there. And, it was furious. 

I took a side glance. They were standing there. Watching me. Unfazed. Unworried. I screamed.

 The last thing I saw was the flushed inside of the snake's mouth.

* Not my sister's real name. I may use several names when referring to my sister. It is the same sister. 

**Many would question my motives but in to moment I saw it as this. I was only a few feet away. If my weight coming down wasn't enough to scare it away then I could draw it to myself.

*** A reflex learned in Tae Bo. I never loved PE more in my life.

This one is really old. I'll add a funny one next.

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