Chapter 55

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A mistake has been made. Chapter 54 is right below this one. Go read the chapter 54 first, then go back here.
I am so sorry❤️ Thankyou

Sammy's last day at London.

Sammy's PoV

I'm gonna go to California today, at 8 pm sharp. I've packed everything, i got only one suitcase coz i'll buy new clothes for my new life.  I got another small bag to pack some of my shoes, i only took 2 pairs of heels, and the others are sneakers.

It's still 9 am, and i'm at the living room reading some magazines. I got bored and i turned the tv on, and there're nothing interesting, until someone knocked the front door.

I ran to the front door and i see my friends and Brooklyn there. I told them to get in and i hug them one by one. Taylor, Selena, Calvin, Justin, and the 1D boys are also here. 
I called my siblings and told them to get their fat ass down to the living room.

Did i forgot to tell you?
When i was at Selena's concert i met Justin, and i also met Calvin at Taylor's concert. And we became best friend since then.
(A/N i know they broke up, but idc. I like them together)

We all sat on the living room talking and joking together, i'm gonna miss them.
Niall suddenly spoke," Sam, please don't go. I, i mean we don't wanna lose you."
My friends nod their head with agreement.

I replied," You guys won't lose me. I'm gonna visit often. And one more thing, i'll always be in your heart no matter what."

Just then, Romeo said," But the problem is, almost all of us had the exact same dream last night. And we're sure that's not an accident Sam."

I'm so confused. I looked at them and said," what's that dream about?"

Brooklyn hold my hands and said," we dreamed that you died because your plane to California broke down. And we're afraid if that dream will come true. It's strange that all of us had the same dream. So, please don't go."

I am very surprised with their dream. How did they can get the same dream at the same time?

I hug my friends and told them that everything will be okay. I said," guys, don't worry. I'm not gonna die. God will protect me, He's with me all the time. He's also with you guys. Have faith that i'll see you guys soon enough. I'll be in front of you all before you guys can say ' i miss you '. "

After all the emotional stuffs, it's 12 pm already. We're going out for lunch, and then we're gonna go to the London Eye and enjoy the day. And we're all gonna go to dinner with my parents, david, and victoria at my place, and then off to California I go.

We all go to Nandos. We went separately because we can't fit in one car.
In the first car are Me on the passenger's seat, Brooklyn on the driver's seat, Taylor, Selena, and Stefie on the middle. And on the back seat are Niall, Calvin, and Michael.

Liam, Louis, Harry (not styles), Christie, Caity, Romeo, Alice, Cruz, and Harper are at the other car.

In the third care are Andrew, Olivia, Styles, Rosie, and Nathan.
The total are 22. That's a lot. Well don't blame us, it's my last day here and i want to spend this day with all of my friends and family.

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