Chapter 51

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Sammy's PoV

I woke up because i had a nightmare. And i don't know why it just felt so real.
In that dream, i'm on a plane to California, and then the pilot said that the plane lose control, so it moved down so fast, and everything turns black.
I hope that's just a dream. I'm turning 17 next month. And i'm going to California at the end of the year. The teacher said i can graduate sooner because i'm smart enough.
And i'm gonna tell my parents about that tonight, which means 2 hours from now.
I have to get ready.

My mom texted me earlier, she said the dinner is at a fancy restaurant, i forgot the name.
Because it's a fancy looking restaurant, i have to dress fancy, but not too fancy.

I'm planning on wearing a blue pastel dress, blue louboutin heels, and blue chanel purse.
My mom also said to tell Alice, Andrew, and Olivia to get ready. So i did.

I'm not a huge fan of make up, so i didn't wear any. I go out and walk to Alice's room.
I knocked, then i walk in and said," Alice, you better get ready, we're going to dinner with the beckhams, and use something fancy."

She said yes and i walked out and tell Olivia and Andrew. Andrew should've known that we'll have a dinner, but he forgot. Good thing i reminded him.

It's 6:40 pm, and my parents will be here soon to pick us. I, Olivia, Andrew, and Alice are sitting at the living room, waiting. Until our parents finally came.

They walked in and smiled at us.
My dad said," Olivia, Andrew, and Alice, you guys are going with us. But you Sammy, you'll go with Brooklyn. He'll be here any second."

I'm very surprised at what he said. Before i could say anything my dad said," no question Sammy. You're going with him and that's it."

I sigh and nod. What is going on here. And why Alice look so pissed about this. Hmmm.

A few seconds later, Brooklyn showed up and greet us all. I can see Alice's face light up at Brooklyn's appearance. I'm very concern here.

Brooklyn's wearing a blue shirt and black suit. i must admit, he looked cool.
My parents and my siblings leave us alone, they'll go to the restaurant first.
Right after my family left, Brooklyn said," enjoying the view, huh?"
He also smirked at me.

I smirked back and said," well, yeah. But i changed my mind after you brag like that."

He just laugh and hold my hand. We walked out to his car hand in hand. How i miss this. But i also have a crush on Niall. It's so complicating.

The ride to the restaurant is quite short, and awkward, very awkward. I walked out first, and walk to the entrance with Brooklyn following me behind.

The waitress greet us and said," good evening, have you reserved?"

I nod and replied," yes, it's Beckham i guess."

She looked at her list and motion us to follow her. We walked to the table and our family are already there, talking. They stopped talking when they see us and they greeted us.

There's only two seats left, next to each other. So yeah, i have to sit next to Brooklyn.
Before we sit, he whisper something at me, he said," you look pretty with that dress and those heels."

I can feel my cheeks turn red. And yeah, i rarely use heels.

We all ate peacefully and by now, it's time for dessert. I'm gonna tell them now, about me going to California at the end of the year.

They are talking and laughing, i'm afraid of what they're gonna say. Oka, i'm telling them now.
I stand up and said," umm, okayy, i have something important to tell you guys right now. I'm gonna graduate sooner, at the end of the year. And after i graduate, i'm planning on going to California, and continue my study at UCLA. So, what do you thing?"

My dad looked happy and smile at me. But my Mom looked the otherwise.

My mom said," darling, isn't that too fast? you're only 17 when you left at the end of the year. And it's dangerous to be there all by yourself."

I know that she's worry, but i'm old enough. So i replied," mom, i'm mature enough to live alone. And i know California like i know the back of my hand. I live there most of my life. And it's not like i'm moving to the other side of the earth."

She sighed and said that she'll think about it.

My dad just smiled at me and said," I know that you're gonna leave us soon baby girl. I'm gonna miss you though. But it's for the best, so i'm okay with it. And i know that you're ready for this."

This is why i love my dad. I smiled and said," i'll always be your baby girl dad, no matter how old i am and how far i am. And thankyou for trusting me dad.''

Victoria suddenly said," umm darling, do you want to handle one of my store at California? The person who handled it before was stealing the clothes. And i know i can trust you."

I definitely want to handle her store. And from there i can get my own money, so i don't have to ask my parents for money everyday coz' i have income.

My smile spread so wide and i nod repeatedly.

My mom then snapped," i've been thinking about it darling, you're allowed to move only if Brooklyn or Niall go with you, so you'll have someone to watch and protect you there."

I and Brooklyn choke at what she said.

Andrew and David said that they're agree about that. Well, i do not agree with that condition. I can take care and protect my self, i'm not a baby anymore.

My mom said again," that's my only condition, you're not going there alone."

I got a bit mad and said," mom, i'm not a baby. I can live alone safely."

I hate arguing with her so i just said okay and stay quiet until the dinner ends.

I'm going home first, so Brooklyn gave me a ride home. My future is not here, it's California. And Brooklyn looks like keeping something. So i asked him," Brooklyn, are you gonna say it or keep it shut in your mouth? i know you have something to say."

He kinda zoned out, i snapped my finger in front of his face and then he said," you know me too well Sam. I guess that your mum is right. It's risky to live alone, since you're famous. And maybe if i go with you, everything will be back to the way it was."

To be honest, i'm surprised at his statement. I replied," why do you think i want you to go with me? It could be Niall. And you can't leave your responsibility behind."

He seemed didn't get what i said.

"Sex, no protection, baby. Ring a bell?" I said.

"You're right, but i wanted to be with you. Not her." he replied.

I ordered him to stop the car. He asked why but i just insist. When he perfectly stopped, i stepped out and walk away. I needed some space. And arguing do not help.

He followed me, but i said that i'll be okay and he could leave me alone. He refused, but i'm stubborn, so i just walk away leaving him behind. And i asked him to leave me and i said that it's fine for him to leave. So he left.

I walked around the park, freshening my mind. Footsteps heard behind me. But i don't care. That sound became closer and closer and i'm afraid right now.

Then something or someone hold my hand with strength.

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