Chapter 44

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Sammy's PoV

Me, Alice, Niall and Louis are watching another movie. And this time, it's a horror movie.
I've watched this movie before, so i know when the ghost gonna came out.
I've covered my eyes with Niall's hand. I'm ready for the ghost when the someone knock the damn door. I jumped because i was shocked.
I walk to the door, open it and ready to yell at whoever at the door. But i got more shocked than before because it's Brooklyn.

I said," Umm, hey. What are you doing? Do you want to meet Niall?"

He looks like he got so many problems.

"I wanted to see you Sam," he said.
He steps closer, but i stopped him.

"What do you want?," i asked him.

He answered," my mom wants to see you, can you go to my house? I've had so much trouble. And i know that's my mistake. I'm the one who started it. And i'm sorry."

I nod my head as an approval.  I said," Okay, i'll go to your house tomorrow. Don't you want to come in?"

He shook his head and said," i can't, i want to meet Ben at the mall."
I said," Okay, see you tomorrow. Say my Hi to Ben."

He nod his head and skate away.
I walked back inside and sat next to Niall. Right after i sit, the movie was over. We just sat there in silence. Alice and Louis are arguing on something, but i don't really care. I can't get my mind out of what happened few minutes ago.
I walked to the guest room, closed the door, and lied on the bed.

Someone's knocking the door and said," Sam, it's me Niall. Can i come in? i wanted to ask you some questions, you seems pale."

I opened the door and let him in.

I sat back on the bed and said," I'm fine Niall, thanks for asking. It's just, i'm confused. It was Brooklyn who came. He seems so sad, and i felt sorry for him."

Niall sighed and said," It's not your fault, he started it. He cheated on you and make a girl pregnant. Don't be sad because of something that doesn't important."

I nodded and answered," You're completely right. He said that Victoria wants to see me. And to be honest, i miss her. So i'll go to his house tomorrow. Would you come with me?"

He said," Of course i would come with you. Yours and Brooklyn's relationship is over doesn't mean that you and Victoria have to be enemy right?"

I answered," Yupp, you're totally right."

I'm glad that Niall came and talk to me. It makes my mind clear. We sat there in silence, comforting silence.

We enjoyed each other companies.

Alice's PoV

Sammy's face seems strange.

"Was that Brooklyn?," I mumbled to myself.

Louis mumbled back," I don't think so."

And we continued on arguing that stupid things. Until Sammy walks to the guest room.

I said to Niall," go and check on her, she needs someone. And that someone is you."

Niall nod and ran to the guest room. So, it's just me and Louis.

I asked Louis," Lou, do you think Niall likes Sammy?"
Louis looks confused," umm, i guess so. But he has been out with Selena lately, i'm not sure he's into Sammy or Selena."

He's right. There's tons of rumors about Niall and Selena. I ship them in the first place, but now? I ship Niall and Sammy.

Niall and Sammy walked, and Sammy looks much better.

Sammy said," So, we decided to go on a walk. To the mall, do you guys wants to join us?"

I said yes, and Louis did too. We get ready and head to the mall.
Lots of fans spotted Niall and Louis. So we split into two. Me and Louis, Niall and Sammy.

I and Louis walked and talked, when lots of fans sees us, we walked to Starbucks, and the manager locked the door.

Phew, we're save.

Sammy's PoV

Niall and i walked hand in hand. It's like we don't care about the fans until a fan pulled my wrist and screamed at my face
she said," stay away from Niall, he's Selena's boyfriend. I ship them, so you better keep your hands off of Niall."

Niall pulled me back and said to the fan," stay away from my her. Don't you dare hurt my bestfriend and yelled at her."

And with that We walked away.

I totally forgot about that stupid rumors.
I asked Niall," Niall, are you and Selena umm.. a thing?"

Niall laughed and said," No, we're just close friends. She's a fun girl to be with, but we're just friends."

I smiled. But it seems like he like Selena. Well, who am i to judge?

After a few hours, we walk back to our car because Alice is calling.

We drive back to Niall's flat.

I just walk to the guest room without caring about the others.

Why knowing that Niall likes Selena makes me some kind of sad?

To be continued❤️

Author's note

Sorry for not updating, i got lots of exams, and homeworks. And i got a bits stressed😒 Thankyou for understanding.

Loads of lovee ❤️

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