chapter 17

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*skip 5 days, so it's the 20th day*

Brooklyn's PoV

It's been so long, and it's been too long if i can say. I'm so worried and start to have a doubt that Sam will woke up.

I'm afraid, so afraid.
Should i leave her and be with someone else? But who?

If i found someone else, and then Sam's dead, i won't be too sad.

Yeah, i'll found someone else. Maybe back to Megan or Chloe? they're perfect.

I'm gonna choose Chloe.

I'm at my house right now, i get bored at the hospital room. I've never get bored before. Maybe I didn't love Sam anymore.

Yeah, maybee.


Brooklyn: Come in.
Romeo: Why are you here? you're suppose to be at the hospital and watch for Sam.
Brooklyn: Nothing will happen to her, she's half dead, and will be dead soon. I don't want to waste my time with her.
Romeo: What's wrong with you?
Brooklyn: Ugh, just get out. I wanna get ready and meet someone.
Romeo: Who?
Brooklyn: Chloe, you happy now?
Romeo: so you're moving on? with that slut who cheat on you?
Brooklyn: She didn't cheat.
Romeo: Yeah she is! I hate you, you know?
Brooklyn: Idc. bye.

And with that i walk to the nearest starbucks and Alice's work there.

I order my drink and sit.

I text Chloe

'Hey! wanna hang out at starbucks near my house? meet me here now. xx'

I can't wait.

10 minutes later Chloe walk in and god she looks so pretty.
(Chloe's clothes on the side)

Chloe: Hey brooklyn. Long time no see
Brooklyn: Hey, yeah. You look pretty.
Chloe: Thanks. so how are you?
Brooklyn: Fine, i guess. I just wanna ask you something.
Chloe: Go on, i'm listening.
Brooklyn: Do you want to be my gf again?

when i ask Chloe to be my gf, Alice run outside without saying anything

Chloe: wait, what about Samantha?
Brooklyn: She's half dead. so what's ur answer?
Chloe: okay then, i'd love to be your GIRLFRIEND.
Brooklyn: Great. come to my house?
Chloe: Sure, lets go.

Alice's PoV

Brooklyn's here. I don't know why he's here and not at the hospital.

few minutes later, chloe walks in and sit next to brooklyn.

they're talking and talking until brooklyn said.

'Do you want to be my gf again?'

And with that my hearts broken.
I run outside and keep running until it's raining and i stop right in front of a woods. I run into the woods and i felt so dizzy, and then i pass out.

Chloe's PoV

Lol, i can't believe that stupid boy asking me out after what i've done to him.

He's so stupid. But he's rich. I can use him to get fame.

Actually i'm not single, i have a boyfriend, Shawn Mendes. But Brooklyn's richer and more famous than him.

I'll get fame from him and then i'll leave him. Like before.

*10 days left*

Author's note

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. I'm back to school guys. A lot of homework😑

I'm so tired guys😓

Here's chpter 17 😍

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