Chapter 39

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Okay, move along❤️

Sammy's PoV

I was looking for some things that could help me proof that Alice is Luciana until someone burst into my room. It's Niall.
He look pretty good, white shorts, black tshirt, and black Nikes. Simple, but cool.

Niall: Well hello there princess.
Sammy: Hey Niall. You can sit where ever you want. Just wait for a minute, i'm looking for some old things here.
Niall: And what are you gonna do with those old things?  Yard sale?
Sammy: Of course not silly. I need those things to find my missing sister. And i already have 1 suspects.
Niall: Who? need my help on this case?
Sammy: Alice. And yes, i really need your help.

And finally i found it. My little pink shoes, and pink backpack. My mom told me, the time that Luciana was gone, she wore those things. And maybe she still have those things.

I run to my mom and tell her about everything and she'll meet me at Alice's house, she said that she have to tell Andrew.

I grab Niall's hand and drag him to my car. I have my own super car, my dad brought me, but i've never used it. But since it's an emergency, i'll use it. It's a dark gray Lamborghini. 

Niall gasp and quickly get into the driver seat. I give him her address and he drove immediately. This car is so bloody fast.

Usually, it took 45 minutes from my house to Alice's. But with this car, and with Niall driving it, it only took 15 minutes.

When we arrive at Alice's house, there's no sign of living. I though she wasn't home. So we wait at her doorway.

I'm thinking about my childhood memories. There's not much that i can remember. But there's one thing that i'll never forget.

I'm some kind of zoned out. Niall put his hand on mine and look at me with that beautiful blue eyes.

Niall: What are you thinking about Sam?
Sammy: My childhood memory that has Luciana in it.
Niall: Tell me.
Sammy: It was winter, we, i and Luciana were still 3 years old kid. I wore my pink fluffy coat, this pink backpack and this pink shoes, white gloves, white hat. And she wore those too. We look so cute. We were on holiday at one of our house at Switzerland. Me, my mom, Andrew, and Luciana were walking enjoying the snowy day in the forest near our house. I and Luciana were running around leaving my mom and Andrew away. We saw a lake that was frozen. We decided to walk on the frozen lake. After a few feet away, we heard a cracking voice. The crack is right under Luciana. She was freaking out, i told her to stay calm. A tall man screaming across the lake screaming at us. He found a rope beneath the trees, he threw the rope at me and he told me to threw it to Luciana, and i did. She catch it, and he pulled us. After a few minutes another man with a black mask walk to us. He brought a gun and point it at Luciana. That man said ' You little girl, you have to come with me or you all will die ', The man that helped me push the other man away, but he shoot him. I scream and close my eyes. The time when i open my eyes, Luciana is gone. And since that day, i've never seen her anymore.
Niall: Wow, that's awful. I'm pretty sorry to hear that princess.
Sammy: At least i got hope now. We have to keep moving forward.
Niall: That's right. Oh look, there she is.

We tell Alice everything and she let us in to talk more.

To be continued🎄

short chapter, sorry. I'm busy with my holidaaay❤️
Have a great holiday everybody☃☃

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