Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A cacophony of chatter fills the silence, overpowering the smooth jazz filtering from the unseen speakers. With sunglasses fixed to the front of my face, I approach the bar with eyes forward. Always eyes forward. The richness of male voices are everywhere, never broken by the slightest, feminine whisper. Francisco's is far busier than it was last night, but I should have expected that coming into a bar on a Friday night.

I settle into the second to last bar stool and prop my elbows onto the marble countertop. Multiple bartenders lean towards their eager customers, learning their orders with practiced memory. My gaze bounces from one to another until I locate my reason for coming here.

Cade lifts a bottle of Grey Goose high into the air and drains a good amount into a martini glass. He sets it down and reaches for the next bottle, his every movement as fluid and graceful as the very liquid splashing into its new glass container.

He's confident when he makes drinks; he's confident in his work. It reminds me of Blake – Blake and his many loyal employees. Blake and his imperturbable work ethic and unshakable composure as he takes that first step into work day in and day out.

Blake and his date with that stupid, fucking Phil.

I imagine Blake's normally poised, masculine torso leaning across the table to whisper something into Phil's ear. The movement would be relaxed and effortless, no doubt. That's how Blake moves, though, his sureness so potent that it borderlines seduction.

My teeth begin to ache from my jaw working itself tighter and tighter. Fucking Phil. I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't want Blake for myself. Really, I don't. There's just something about Phil that makes my skin crawl.

The dude is a leech, possessive and....wasn't he the one that didn't want commitment in the first place? Right. So he's a hypocrite, too.

Add that to the list.

"Well, well well. Callum; didn't think I'd see you again. Especially not in here."

The friendly voice pulls me out of my moment clutched within fury's talons. I glance up at Cade and he smiles. His hair is slicked back today, a sleeker appearance than the slightly disheveled look he was sporting yesterday.

"I was thirsty," I mutter. "And he's not the boss of me."

I don't have to go into any greater detail. Based on the slight altercation that occurred here last night, Cade is all too aware of who I'm referring to. He chuckles and leans across the bar, just as he did for his last customer only minutes ago.

"Alright then handsome, what can I get for you?"

I scoff and roll my eyes in disgust. "You're an idiot."

Cade smirks and shrugs. "Hey, that's how we're trained to do it. Plus, it's proven to be an excellent tactic in earning a few extra tips."

"That's pathetic."

"My bank account would beg to differ. But what'll you have? Shot? Beer?"

"I'll just take a Jack n' Coke."

Cade nods and gives me one of his practiced, award-winning smiles. "Coming right up."

My back is rigid as I wait for my drink. I don't know what's making me more nervous – waiting for a guy to come up and hit on me or wondering if Blake will make another unexpected visit. I can almost feel him coming up behind me, the heat of his chest bumping up against my back and his heady scent overpowering my senses.

I know, I know. It makes me sound gay as hell, but that's just him. His presence begs attention and focus without trying. Add to that his air of genuine confidence, intelligence, and charm...

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