{Chapter 1}

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Chapter 1 ~ Nightmares


It's just another dream.

Just another nightmare.

It doesn't mean anything.

I kept reminding myself of this while I experienced the nightmare.

The dark hallway's floorboards creaked as I walked down it.

It was a long walk, until I got to the end of the hallway.

If I took one more step I would have fallen into the abyss, never to be seen again.

"Nobody loves you. Nobody cares." Hermione stood at the end of the hallway, her arms crossed.

"You're annoying anyway. Attention seeking, annoying, mentally ill, the list goes on." Harry now appeared.

"You weren't supposed to tell anyone about that!" I shouted.

"What, how you're crazy? How you have your fake, stupid anxiety attacks out of the blue?" He sneered.

"Its not my fault!" I yelled.

"But it is." Ron now appeared.

"It's all your fault. It's your fault your mum and dad are dead. You deserve every hit, slap, cut, and bruise you get. You're worthless." Ron said.

I felt tears prickling my eyes but I blinked them back when I saw Tonks.

"Worthless. I don't believe Lily and James produced such filth. Good thing they have Harry to carry on their legacy." She said.

The word 'worthless' was replaying in my mind.

I have been told I was worthless by the Dursleys countless times.

"Im not worthless."'I retaliated.

"Oh, but you are."

They all started throwing my insecurities around, and it all got to be too much.

I took one more step, and fell into darkness.


I landed sooner than expected.

Instead of walking, I was just watching this nightmare.

At least, I presumed it was a nightmare, it had a freakish aura to it.

A muggle caretaker, an old one at that, was living across from the house he was responsible for.

He flipped the switch to turn on the kettle, when he saw the window on the house light up.

"Kids." He snarled.

He made his was out to the house with nothing but a lamp, opened the door, climbed the the creaky stairs and listened in.

"P- Perhaps we could do it without t- them, My Lord." A man with a mouseish appearance stuttered.

"No Wormtail! The boy and girl are everything! We need to get to them!" An unidentified man, whom of which you could not see his body.

A snake slithered past the caretaker, when the room fell dead silent.

He did not dare to move, in fear that the floorboards would creek.

"Nagini tells me the muggle caretaker is standing right outside the door."

The man identified as 'Wormtail' came to the door, making the caretaker back away.

"Move aside Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting."

The caretaker took a step forward now, only to be hit with the words 'Avada Kedavra' and a bolt of green light.


I woke up in a ball of my own sweat, and I could feel pain coming from somewhere, but I couldn't identify exactly where.

I looked down at my wrist and realised the pain was coming from the lightning bolt scar I've had since I was a baby.

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