17. Pirate Invasion

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"Ow!" I yelped.

Shay merely smiled. "Now you know how I felt."

I shot him a glare as I stared down at my wounds. "Why are you helping me if you're so insistent on returning me back to my cell?"

Cormac sighed and gazed up at me while wrapping up my wound with a bandage. "Everything in my body is telling me to trust you, that you pose as no threat. But, logic kicks in and you're a potential asset to the Colonial Rite."

I rolled my eyes and hissed. "Why? Because I'm apart of these phony Assassin Creed types?"

Shay nodded. "Yes."

"Shay, do you recall ever seeing me there?" I grumbled.

The Templar sighed. "No, but I can't just make assumptions and then act on them. I have to make sure by sending you to the Grand Master to be-"

"Tortured?" I interrupted.

"Questioned..." Shay countered.

"Uh, huh, sure." I frowned. "Why did you join the Templar's? You never told me. Aside from proclaiming your hatred for them and how they betrayed you and destroyed a city... but you never clarified. How did they betray you? Why... actually, I know why they can't be trusted. But, how did they destroy Lisbon? Give me details."

Shay groaned. "If I tell you, will you stop pestering me about it?"

"Well, no shit. What would I pester you about? I would've already known the answer, idiot." I gave him a lopsided grin.

He narrowed his eyes and dumped a bunch of salt water onto my wound, making me yelp and hiss. "The assassin's discovered ancient artifacts that predated Adam and Eve. They were apart of this civilization, the first civilization if you will. They're called pieces of Eden. We discovered the whereabouts of one of these artifacts. Achilles, the leader, sent me to go fetch this Apple. I sailed to Lisbon and entered the Cathedral in which it was housed in. I easily deciphered the puzzle, a secret entrance showed itself, and sure enough, there was the Apple. However, when I took the artifact from the pedestal. It turned into dust and the earth started shaking. I ran as fast as I could while the city crumbled around me..." He shuttered. "I was enraged when I returned to Homestead. I confronted Achilles about it, I get he was in mourning from the loss of his wife and son, but I destroyed a whole entire city. I was the reason why millions had died, and he sent me away without showing any form of remorse. I had to act, I needed to stop this from ever happening again. Achilles had sent someone to Haiti to extract another Apple, however, there was a terrible earthquake there as well. When night came, I sneaked into Homestead to steal the Manuscript..."

"Manuscript?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mention the Precursor Box or Manuscript. They're both from the First Civilization as well. Hope and I had convinced a scientist by the name of Benjamin Franklin that we were apart of the Templar's. He conducted his experiment... using lightning to sort of... electrify the Precursor Box. That was how we figured out the location of the Apple. The Manuscript helps to decipher the box. Without it, no one can figure out how to work the Precursor Box."

I nodded my head. "Oh, okay. Well, continue."

"Right... I was in the midst of stealing the Manuscript when Achilles caught me. I tried to explain that all I wanted to do was put it somewhere where no one would find it. That way no more cities had to be decimated and innocents slaughtered. I couldn't bear the thought. Mentor didn't agree with me. So he threw me out of a window and ordered the assassins to capture me and obtain the Manuscript, ending with my demise. I fled only to be stopped by a cliff. I knew it was the end of the line for me, but if it meant preserving the lives of countless of innocents. Than mine didn't seem to matter. Both the Manuscript and I could rest at the bottom of the Atlantic. Though, when I went to jump. Someone shot me. I was convinced that was the end of me. But I was found by the Templar's and they put me under the care of the Finnegan's, and they nourished me back to health."

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