7. Do You Promise?

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Liam and I discussed our partnership, I would complete contracts in my area and they would provide protection. I would also give them half of the profit I made. Otis became well known in my area, our secret saying luckily was only known to those who were employed with us. We did it where new recruits would go with the more skilled thieves. They would work alongside them for a whole year, that way both Tommy and I would know they were either loyal to us, or just the coin. We had some of the best thieves this world had to offer. Many had quit their previous employer and went with us since we were partnered with the Creed. They sent some assassin's here and there to help my organization. Kade was becoming more aware of what was going on, but I soon stopped trying to contain his innocence. He was still young, but he was no longer a child who needed to be protected.

"Kade, I need to discuss something with you." I motioned for him to follow me into the house.

He nodded and followed close behind. "What is it?"

I smiled faintly as I pointed to the chair and sat on the one adjacent to his. "I know you've been asking about what's going on here. Tommy said you're starting to put the pieces together as well."

Kade nodded. "Yeah, is Otis a thieves' guild sort of speak? People seem to shutter at the mere mention of the name."

I chuckled. "Yes, Otis is the central hub for the bandits."

"What about the people in the strange costumes?" He pointed to the window where one stood.

"They're... assassin's." I knew this would take a turn for the worst.

"Wait... like the Assassin's Creed?" Kade looked almost betrayed.

I slowly nodded my head. "Yes, but..."

"Maze! An assassin killed mom and mine and your own dad! He hurt mom and carved that word as well as those other one's into their heads, and yet. You're working with the very people who could've killed mom?" Kade leaped to his feet and scoffed. "What happened to you? What happened to the sister I knew?"

"I'm still the same one, Kade. I just..."

"No you're not, Maze. You're so different now. You ignore me and Tommy whenever that Liam guy shows up. Are you in love with him or something?" Kade shook his head in disgust.

I stared at him, unsure how to answer that question, I was completely caught off guard. "No, I..."

"Wait, you're in love with the assassin?" Kade hollered.

All eyes were on me as Kade stormed out of the house, I chased after him in attempt to rid of this idea he had. "Kade! I'm not in love with that assassin! Where the hell did you get that idea from?"

He whipped around so fast I literally staggered back. "It's the way you act around him! It's always Liam this or Liam that it's never Kade or Tommy. We're just insignificant when it come's to the great and almighty Liam the assassin."

"Kade, knock it off." I shouted.

"No, I don't have to listen to you. You're not my sister." That was what triggered it.

The beast was unleashed. "No, Kade. I am not your fucking sister. I am your half sister because my mom was a whore and slept with the slave. That kind-hearted little girl died the same day dad did. All you are Kade is some bastard child who ruined my life. If it weren't for you, mom and dad would still be alive and I wouldn't have killed those two boys. I wouldn't be losing my mind. I've been trying to cling onto what humanity I have left. Reason why I get along with Liam so well is because he's a monster like me, and as for Tommy. All he is there for is to help ease my pain. My chance to feel human again, because I sure as hell don't anywhere else. Don't you get it Kade? I'm dead on the inside, I don't have the capability to feel love or compassion, all I feel is rage and this gaping hole that just consumes everything. I can't breathe anymore, I can't live. So, get over it. Or leave."

Unnecessary Fate (AC Rogue) Being RewrittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora