25. A Potential Ally

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What felt like eons later, I managed to grab the knife from my leg and painfully yank it out and then start cutting at my binds. They came off in a matter of minutes and I was free. The door was wide open, there were no guards. I had a decision to make, do I stay here and wait for Haytham? Do I go and find him and Shay? Or do I begin my journey to London to start anew? I settled with finding the Grand Master and my biggest crush. I began me ascend up the stairs when Haytham came into view.

"Haytham, I was just looking for you. Quite stuffy in this room. Otherwise I would've waited." I smiled.

Kenway scanned me before making a weird motion with his hand. Two guards popped out of nowhere, startling me a little. "Good excuse, Miss Neah. However, you're going to have to spend more time in the Morrigan dungeon's. I need to keep an eye on you."

I furrowed my brow. "Of course I'm spending more time there, and before you drag me off like some scumbag. Could you perhaps provide me with the materials I need in order to wrap up the gaping hole I have in my leg. I swear this is the limb I injured before, as well as a needle and thread so I can bloody sow up the cuts you gave me, oh! And a rag so I can clean myself off. I don't want to look like Bloody Mary."

Haytham rolled his eyes. "Bring her to the ship and provide her with the materials she needs in order to seal up her wounds."

The guards nodded their heads and grabbed my arms. "Hey, you don't need to do that. I'll come peacefully." I yanked my limbs away from them and motioned for them to follow as I began my small journey to the Morrigan.

Shay and Gist were eagerly waiting for my arrival, once they laid eyes on me, Cormac looked like he was about to rain hell on the Grand Master. I caught his eyes and I shook my head, indicating that he better not do anything, or else I would shove my foot up his ass. At least, I hope that was the message that I sent. I slowly made it down the stairs, due to my injured leg, and one of the guards pushed me, almost sending me flying down them. "Do that again, and I will cut your balls off and force feed them to you, understand?"

The guard snickered only to frown. "Get a move on it."

I smirked and continued my slow descend down the bloody stairs. We eventually made it to the bottom where they threw me into a cell. I nearly, no, I did a legit face plant whereas I would usually be able to catch myself. But because I was injured. That didn't help much. "Are you going to get me the shit I need? Or is my crippled ass going to have to boot yours?" They left without saying a word. I presumed they weren't planning on fetching the materials I needed anytime soon. I grumbled in annoyance and pressed on my cut with my hand, sending pain shooting through my body. I hissed and exhaled sharply. About fifteen minutes later, two pairs of footsteps came pounding down the stairs. "About time, I was about to bleed out he-"

"Neah, are you okay?" Shay's voice interrupted me.

I glanced up and a smile crept across my face. "Captain, good to see you alive and well."

Cormac knelt down with an arm full of medical supplies. "Here, I knew the guards weren't planning on giving these to you any time soon. So I... procured them from them."

"You don't say." I grinned.

Shay shrugged. "What? I couldn't let you bleed out. Then I wouldn't have anyone to pick on."

"Hey, that's my job, Cormac." I grinned and turned my attention to Gist. "Hey, my friend. How are you doing?"

"Oh, you know. Just going against the Grand Master's orders." He pulled out a key with the biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen on anyone in the history of ever. "Alright, Shay. You should return to the main deck before the Grand Master notices that you're missing."

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