36. The Hell Ship

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We were on a hell of a trip, searching high and low for the Morrigan. Keeping our ear to the ground for anything remotely close to the hell ship, the red sailed ship, sometimes people even mentioned her name: The Morrigan. As time dragged on, we responded to recent news of a new colony being hit. Once we arrived, it looked exactly like the one Elizabeth resided, the same destruction, the same pile of bodies, just everything. However, just when all seemed lost, we encountered a man who had escaped the clutches of the Morrigan.

"Tell us what you know!" I demanded, not wanting to pull another numbnuts.

The man stared at me with cold eyes, I knew he'd been through some things. "I don't have to tell you nothing." He spat before downing another glass of rum.

I clenched my jaw to hold back from strangling the bastard, I knew I wasn't being the most civil human being right now. But we had been looking for a few days and every trail we had come across ran cold. Shay was beginning to lose it from all the guilt he felt and I no longer had the capability of just sitting there and letting him do it.

"Look, I get that you've been through a rough time, but-"

"You have no idea what I've been through." He snapped.

I stared him in the eye. "I know exactly what you've been through. I to was abducted by pirates and held hostage for months. I nearly lost my mind, and the love of my life. We barely escaped and even then, I lost two really good friends. We were tortured, spat on, stabbed, kicked, punched, just about anything you can think of, happened." I let out a shaky breath as I glanced over at Shay. "I had to listen to that man over there, the man I love more than anything, scream as they put a searing hot sword on his wound. It rattled my very soul, and when we escaped, we were lost at sea for weeks. We nearly died from starvation and dehydration. So, don't you dare assume I don't know what it feels like to be in a prison that smells like shit, death, and piss with no hope to speak of and the constant fear of not knowing if you'll see the light of day or a smile on your loved one, do you understand?"

The survivor blinked for a few minutes, taking in that he wasn't the only one who had been through a traumatic experience. "What were the name's of the friends you lost?"

My bottom lip quivered as I peered down at the floor. "Hogar and Joseph."

"Wait, the captains of the Archangel?" He asked, making me have to repeat the question in my head.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" I quirked an eyebrow.

He grinned. "I served on their ship once. They were mighty men and quite cruel to one another... what was it that Hogar use to always say to Joseph to persuade him?"

"I'm gonna reach up your arsehole and pull your intestines out and feed 'em to ya!" We both repeated at the same time, ending with us bursting out laughing.

I felt my heart hurt, but it was nice to remember them. "I miss them; I miss them so much."

The man nodded. "Call me Johnson, I would be happy to assist you in any way I can."

I smiled brightly. "Thank you, Johnson. By the way, do you know where Hogar and Joseph beached the Archangel? I always wanted to know."

He thought about it for a minute. "If memory serves, I believe I do remember the exact location."

I felt a burst of excitement. "Would you ever be able to direct me to it? Maybe, just maybe I would be able to revive her, in honour of Hogar and Joseph."

Johnson nodded. "I think that would be an excellent idea." He stood up. "Shall we go hunt down those bastards who took your ship?"

I felt ecstatic. "We shall." We both strolled over to Shay who was having no luck with this one man. "Shay, meet Johnson, he served on the Archangel with Joseph and Hogar."

Unnecessary Fate (AC Rogue) Being Rewrittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें