28. Please, Don't Leave Me

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Shay sprinted to where Hope's corpse still laid. "Where is it?" He growled as he frantically searched the area for the bottle. Just when he thought it was gone. He found it hidden behind a crate. Shay snatched it up and started running to someone he hoped would help him.

Shay tore through the streets, running as fast as his legs would go. He eventually reached his destination, he panted heavily as he ran up to the house and pounded on the door. Someone's footsteps grew louder as they approached the door. "What do you- Oh! Shay! What are you doing here?" Benjamin Franklin asked.

Shay held up the bottle with a small amount of liquid at the bottom of it. "I-I need your help!"

Franklin quirked an eyebrow. "With what?"

"With replicating this antidote." Shay responded desperately.

"Why? What is it for?" Benjamin seemed reluctant.

"There is no time to explain, just... trust me." Cormac pleaded.

Franklin sighed. "Alright, Shay. Come on in."

Shay smiled widely. "Thank you."

Both of the men wondered inside and Benjamin eagerly took the vile from Shay. He examined the liquid and began muttering something to himself. He then took the bottle to the back of his house. Cormac followed and stopped at the doorway. There was equipment everywhere. Glass tubes, beakers, flasks, numerous chemistry sets, not to mention the other objects Shay didn't know the name's of. The assassin was too afraid to touch anything in fear of breaking something vital in discovering the components inside of the antidote. Benjamin started fumbling around with a mass of glassware with various coloured liquids inside. The older man hurried over to the huge chemistry set with an armful of bottles. Shay felt... off, he left the laboratory and stepped outside. He felt as if he was having a heart attack. His heart raced, his chest hurt, his breath labored. It was as if he ran for miles and miles on end and he was reacting badly to the exercise. A mixture of emotions hit him like a title wave. He collapsed to his hands and knees and felt tears line his eyes. It was too much, everything overwhelmed him. Shay sat back on his knees before he closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. He had to calm himself down, it couldn't shake this awful anxious feeling that felt almost unbearable from that awful attack that came out of nowhere. Perhaps he was allergic to something, or the stress made him react in such a way. But he'd never experienced anything like that before. Just as he got to his feet, Benjamin came flying out of the house.

"Shay! I know what's in the antidote!" He came down the stairs with a big smile on his face.

"Did you make it?" Shay's face lightened up, as he stood up and wiped the dust off of his pants.

"W-well, not necessarily." Franklin stuttered.

Cormac quirked an eyebrow. "Do you have the required ingredients to make the cure?"

Benjamin twirled his thumbs together while avoiding eye contact with Shay. "N-no. I don't have the ingredients to make the antidote."

Shay felt his heart drop at he stared helplessly at the man. "Please tell me you know someone who possesses the components you require."

Benjamin stared down at the ground. "Your friends told me you're a dangerous man, that you now work for very awful individuals."

Shay was confused, more unsure of what to say. "Look, believe whatever you want to say, Benjamin. I'm not here on the Templar behalf, I'm not here to hurt you, or steal your work. I just want to help someone I might potentially... love." Shay never thought he would say that word, but here he was, begging a polymath to help a girl who he was supposed to kill.

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