29. Proving How Much I Love You

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Seven months after we had given into one another. Shay and I had barely anytime to spend with each other. We were constantly on the look out for the assassin's, we followed every and all leads - every single one of them being a dead end. I was beginning to go crazy from not spending anytime with the man I loved. We had maybe two more nights to ourselves in the seven months we had been in our relationship. My feelings got to the point where I thought about him every waking hour. I was beginning to think I was obsessed with him. But I didn't act obsessed around him, if anything, we just acted like very flirtatious friends. We joked with one another insulted one another, but then we would kiss and fool around here and there.

We eventually returned to New York and while Shay went to get some shut eye in the Fort Arsenal mansion. I eventually mustered up the courage to ask the Grand Master something. I exhaled sharply once I spotted him. I didn't understand why I was so nervous, it was the most bizarre thing. It wasn't because I was about to ask the leader of the Templars a question, but it was what I had planned to do if Haytham said yes. I approached Kenway and tapped on his shoulder. Ever since I had punched him in the face, he'd flinch ever so slightly, I always had to stop myself from bursting out into a fit of laughter. Even though I wasn't officially a Templar, and even though this hideous human being did tie me to a chair and torture me. He did convince me to make a move on Shay, and it turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

"Yes, Miss. Neah. Can I help you?" Haytham placed his hands behind his back and kept a scary straight posture.

"Err, yeah. I wanted to know if you would allow for Shay and I to have a week to ourselves... no assassin's, no precursor site, no Templar bullshit. Just him and me spending time with each other like normal people." I thought about what exactly normal looked like for Shay and I. We weren't really the white picket fence type of people, but it was worth a shot.

Haytham stared at me... as if I just asked a very insulting question. "Now, why would I do that when the whole entire world is at stake?"

"Because we've been going hard for seven months, Shay nor I have complained about anything you have ordered us to do. We've done everything by the letter, killed the people you asked us to, traveled to the places you demanded we go. I think we deserve a little break." I argued.

Kenway looked like he wanted to rip my face off, but he somehow managed to keep a calm and collected tone, even if it sounded strained ever so slightly. "Yes, you and Shay have worked very hard these past several months. But don't assume I will just grant you a week off just because you asked for one. Why do you deserve one when we have other hard working individuals in the Templar Order?"

I quirked and eyebrow. "Since when are you all about equality?" He was about to answer when I held up my hand to stop him. "Never mind, don't answer. Look, you told me to make a move on Shay, and I did. The least you could do is allow for us to make sure this is the right choice. A week won't kill anyone, I know a lot can happen in a span of a week. But I can assure you, both Shay and I will drop everything and come running if something happens."

Haytham pondered on my request once more before responding. "Why don't you scour the rooftops for any potential assassin's that'll make an attempt on Shay's life. When you return, I will have an answer."

I nodded my head and raced towards a building before scaling up the side of it. I spent the next four hours jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Killing anyone I knew was an assassin. They all had the same outfit, that ridiculous orange one that made them stand out when they were supposed to blend in. Idiots. Many of them thought they could take me down, I was even shot at a few times. But nothing mattered to me more than getting to spend some time with my Shay. We had been in dire need of a break, and what better way than to spend a week with one another? What better way to see if we're actually good for one another?

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