33. No Memory

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I felt something pecking at my arm. My eyes snapped open and I came face to face with a seagull attempting to eat my arm. I sat up and shooed it away before I rubbed the area is tried to eat while scanning my surroundings. The crew laid scattered across the beach, but we were half way up the shore, like someone put us there. It seemed like we were in a shipwreck, but there was no evidence of the Morrigan even crashing, no ship remains, no... nothing. I slowly got to my feet and examined the mass amount of bodies, counting them as I passed before I reached the end of the trail where both Shay and Gist laid. There were exactly forty people on the beach, the whole crew of the Morrigan was here. Usually when a ship crashed, not everyone made it. Something was really off about this, but I couldn't figure out how we all ended up on a beach in the ass end of nowhere with the Morrigan gone. Did someone steal it? I couldn't remember anything past "There's something in the water" before I lost consciousness.

I knelt down beside Shay and shook him. "Shay, are you okay?"

His eyes snapped open like I had startled him, he rolled over and jumped to his feet, immediately switching to fight mode, his frantic eyes met mine and I saw him relax. "Neah... you scared the hell out of me..." He exhaled and glanced around, "Where are we?"

I shrugged. "I don't know; I just woke up not too long ago myself. It looks like we were shipwrecked, but... I don't see any ship remains around here and we have all forty crew members."

Shay arched an eyebrow. "That is strange."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing?" Gist's voice drew our attention to the ground where he laid. "I mean, I'm not expert on shipwrecks, but I would think it would be an excellent thing that all of our crew were alive and well."

I let out my hand to help him to his feet. "Yes, but it's too good to be true."

I pulled him up while Shay examined the scene some more. "There's no such thing as an entire crew surviving a shipwreck." He eventually said before walking over to various people and helping them up.

I faced Gist. "Don't you find is especially odd that everyone is basically half way up the beach? No one here is damp from the water, no one here smells like salt water, well, more than they already do, and what I mean by everyone is us. It looks like someone just placed us here and fucked off with the Morrigan, and that someone has to be numbnuts, I mean, do you see him anywhere?"

"No, I don't. But, how is that possible?" Gist stared at me with the obvious look of confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders. "What's the last thing you remember?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Well, I remembered someone screaming they saw something in the water. All of a sudden, the crew started acting really strange. You and Shay just sort of... stopped moving. You looked emotionless, like you were statues. But, I can't remember anything past that."

I thought about it for a moment, this was all sounding familiar, I needed to find out more. I approached Shay who was talking to a few crewmates. "Hey, I need to ask you all a question. What is the last thing you remember before waking up here?"

"I don't remember anything after I heard someone scream that they something in the water." Shay responded.

"Really? The last thing I remember was seeing this shadow before everything went black." One of the crew added.

"Anyone remember more about that shadow?" I asked, wanting to figure out why this sounded so recognizable. No one responded to me, they all exchanged bewildered expressions. I grumbled in annoyance and pushed pass the group and towards the rest of the crew. "Does anyone recall seeing a shadow before waking up here?"

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