5. Making a New Home

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It was a long year in fact, I hadn't yet found the teacher or this supposed Night Stalker. I was beginning to think they were the same person... until I discovered a lead that I was convinced would lead me straight to the one whom started this whole mess. But, before I go into explicit detail. Let's back it up. Sanctum was just a valley with a fire pit with a bear's fur next to it. In the corner there were various corpses from when I went hunting - which was often. In short, it was nothing too exciting. I was always too busy to actually do anything with it. So, Tommy decided to start a project. He would build a cottage for us. You're probably thinking, why in the hell would he still be there if he was one of the people who bullied your brother? Well, allow for me to describe it to you.

It all started with that one night in the woods, Tommy decided to tag along to help me hunt. Well, I was more doing all the work. He was just there as bait. Anyways, we had eventually killed our first deer. It was semi big, but it wouldn't be enough for the week. We would have to carry on tomorrow. While Tommy and I were dragging it back to Sanctum. He dropped the antler and stared at me, as if studying my complexity. It was unsettling - at first anyways.

"Can I help you?" I asked with unease.

He only smiled and slowly approached me. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

I scoffed. "No, we haven't really had any visitors since I, you know, murdered those two children."

Tommy shook his head. "They deserved it."

My eyes narrowed. "Says the one who called them his friends."

He shrugged. "I was a moron. Once you were gone, it felt like my heart was going to shatter. Hell, it already did. That was, until, your little brother came to find me. Everyone was scared of him. But I wasn't, he told me you were hurt. I dropped everything and we both ran all the way to Sanctum. When I saw you... I was so scared for your life. I needed to hurry, I couldn't lose you again."

My heart thudded against my chest as I heard him say those words. "I, ugh, I didn't know you cared for me so much."

Tommy rested his hand on my cheek and used the other to move a strand of my hair off of my face. "I've always loved you, Maze, and ever since discovering you loved me too. All I could think about... was you. So, these past few days. I've been trying to find the right moment to ask you something..."

I quirked an eyebrow. "So help me... if you're going to propose. I will shove this antler up your asshole."

He simply chuckled and shook his head, moving closer to me. "You're so beautiful when you're mad."

Next thing I knew, our lips collided. I felt this tingly feeling shoot through my lips and down my body. It was as if I was in ecstasy. Next thing I knew, I shoved him against a tree and lifted the hem of his shirt. He pulled away and assisted in removing it. My heart soared when I rested my eyes on his muscles. I ran my hands down them and smirked as he began removing my own shirt. I tripped him and literally pinned him to the ground as I smothered him in kisses. Tommy managed to roll us over so I was now on the ground. He gently raised me up as he sat down, pulling me into his lap. We stopped for a few heartbeats, panting as if we had just run for miles. He looked up at me with loving eyes before leaning in and kissing me with a burning passion. We removed the remainder of our clothes and rolled around making glorious love to one another. It was the first time it had ever happened. It was magnificent, it also had to be the most awkward. We were having sex with a deer corpse staring at us.

Once this marvelous moment unfortunately ended. We put our clothes back on and grabbed the deer before intertwining our hands and walking hand-to-hand all the way back to Sanctum. That was the beginning of a wondrous relationship. I was more of the 'man' in the relationship. Meaning I would often dominate in sex and always won in sparring matches. The few times he won was because I was too lazy to put in any real effort. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into almost a year. Tommy had built the cottage and let me tell you... it was beautiful. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of it. It took up most of the green space, but no one seemed to care. We had reserved a corner of Sanctum for Arvak, he grew hay for him to eat. I even planted four apple trees and various other vegetables and fruits in my little garden. We mostly ate meat, but we had our fair share of food. It wasn't like I had imagined; it was even more awesome than what I had planned. Kade was even more happy than I remembered. He was smiling a lot more, and he barely had any scars to show what he had gone through. I was rethinking the whole plan on giving him up. We had a good thing going here, though, it had more potential than being our safe haven from the outside world.

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