24. Interrogation

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My head ached as I groaned out in pain. I went to reach up and see if my damn skull was cracked open, but my hands were tied down. My eyes shot up as I examined my situation. I was tied down to a chair, in the middle of some creepy ass room with a table in the corner and various tools.

"Oh, for fuck sake. You have to be kidding me." I muttered to myself as I thrashed around to try and free myself.

Heavy footsteps sounded from behind the wooden door. I waited to see some hideous person with a sinister smile staring at me. The door creaked open and out of all the people I've seen. Someone with some strange ribbon in his hair, brown eyes and hair, wrinkly face that really made me want to punch him. He had a ridiculous blue hat on... come to think of it. He had this obsession with blue. He looked like some stuck up asshat who needed to get kicked in the teeth.

"Hello, Miss Neah. I've heard much about you." He had an English accent, and what do you know? He sounded even more egotistical than before.

"Who the hell are you? You're the most hideous person I've ever seen walk this planet. Seriously, you look like the inside of someone's asshole!" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes and faced me. "My name is Haytham Kenway. I am the Grand Master of the Templar's and the Colonial Rite."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Wait... you're the big boss? The leader of Shay and everyone else?"

He nodded his head. "Yes, yes I am."

I burst out laughing. "Oh, poor Shay and Gist! I was expecting some big brute of a man with a missing eye and a face that looked like he wanted to bash your head in. You... you're like... wait, Kenway? Don't tell me you're Edward Kenway's son."

Haytham nodded. "Yes, indeed I am."

"Oh, how sad. You remind me so much of chubs. Fearsome parent who ruled these seas, and in turn. Their kin resemble nothing but... failure." I snickered and attempted to shift to make myself more comfortable. "So, why exactly am I here?"

Haytham placed his hands behind his back and slowly walked over to the table with various tools on it. "Because, Miss Neah. I want to obtain information about the assassin's."

"You know; you could've just asked as opposed to tying me down to a bloody chair. I would've happily given you all the information I knew about those shit-for-brains." I stared at him suspiciously.

"I see, then, why don't you tell me what you know about them." Haytham grabbed a very... small, but dangerous looking knife before standing mere inches from me.

"Alright... all I know is that they consist of various people. This Achilles being the leader of it. They're located at Homestead - hang on, wouldn't Shay have told you all of this?" I quirked an eyebrow.

Haytham nodded. "Yes, indeed he did. However, what I want to know is what the assassin's agenda is. I want to know why they are attempting to obtain the Apple's of Eden, I want to know why they feel obligated to decimate entire cities in order to accomplish their goals. So tell me, Miss Neah. What do you truly know about the assassin's that you work for?"

I casted Haytham a bewildered expression. "You think I work for those, assholes? I presume Shay never - no, he didn't. We were abducted by those pirates before he even had the chance."

"Yes, those pitiful pirates that possess the legendary Storm Fortress. Tell me, Miss Neah. How exactly did you escape that ship? I hear they were quite difficult to escape." Haytham paced back and fourth that that irritatingly calm voice.

"It was a plan that came at great costs. Both Shay and I lead two separate groups. Cormac was the decoy while I led a small group towards the Captains cabin in order to confront the bastard..."

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