26. Is This Love?

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It was the first time ever since I met Shay that I wasn't a prisoner. I could freely roam the ship. Well, I could once before but that was when we were starving to death and half crazed. This time, we were well fed, well rested, and had a full crew. We were heading back to New York to carry on the mission. We needed to hunt down the remainder of the assassin's and stop them from finding another precursor box. Shay mentioned that a several months back, while they were docked at Albany, Liam had successfully extracted the Manuscript from Monro before he was able to get his hands on it. Which meant all the assassin's needed to do was find a way to turn on the Precursor Box. Which wouldn't be hard considering they had the Manuscript.

It took a few weeks before we arrived in New York. In that time, Shay and I talked more. I learnt more about his backstory. "Tell me about you." I smiled while looking Shay in the eye.

He quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "Tell me your backstory, about your parents, what you went through in your life. I mean, you were tied to a chair when I told you mine. If it made you feel better, you can restrain me to one."

Shay guffawed and shook his head. "No, that's not necessary." He then sighed, as if contemplating what exactly to tell me. "My mother died from childbirth, and my father was often absent from home due to his employment in the merchant marine, leaving me to be raised by my aunt. Living in a rough part of the city, I often found myself in trouble, but... as hard as it is to admit this, I was constantly protected by Liam. Eventually, I joined my father at sea, and although I missed the company of my friend, I eagerly began training in and, even going as far to face down and shoot an attacking captain, saving my father's ship. However, tragedy struck when a fierce storm claimed the lives of my father and several crew members." He sighed heavily. "I was shattered and desolate, wandering New York's streets, picking fights, until I was helped once again by Liam, who managed to get me back on my feet. Later that year, Liam introduced me to his Mentor, Achilles Davenport, and inducted me into the Brotherhood not long after. Over the next four years, I devoted myself to the Order and, serving dutifully. However, I still pondered the ambiguous areas between the motives of the Assassins and those of the Templars." He went a little deeper, telling me who had killed and how he still felt guilty by murdering Lawrence Washington. He was dying of tuberculosis, and it just didn't seem right to kill an already dying man. He had also felt even more guilt when he assassinated Samuel Smith. The man was unarmed and he took him down like some sort of dog. As for James Wardrop, he warned Shay that he was endangering the world. "I feel as if he was right, no, he most definitely was right. How could I be such an idiot to believe that I was doing the right thing in aiding the assassin's in destroying... cities."

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Shay, what happened in Lisbon wasn't your fault. You didn't know..."

"Exactly my point, why did I fool around with something I didn't understand? I should've known there would be dire consequences." He bowed his head in what appeared to be... shame.

"Shay-" Before I could continue, someone shouted that we had arrived in New York.

Cormac casted me a smile before running up to the wheel and taking over to dock the Morrigan. I grumbled in annoyance, why did the world prevent us from bonding? We wondered off of the ship and to Fort Arsenal. "Master Cormac, Miss Neah. We must locate the assassin's..."

"I don't think that'll be too hard." I butt into the Grand Masters attempt to order us around. "I see Liam right there." I pointed to the man who was surrounded by people with similar outfits.

Haytham watched them. "Follow them, and don't be seen. Once you discover what their plans are. I want you to find me and tell me your findings."

Shay and I nodded and sprinted to the street, we both scaled the side of the building. Shay reached the top first and helped me up. I felt a blush come on but I quickly ran ahead so he wouldn't see. I took out some of the guards ahead of us while Shay used his rifle... or glorified dart blower thingy to knock out the ones on the other side of the street. We had to leap into haystacks and run inside of nasty outhouses so we wouldn't be spotted. They eventually stopped and both Shay and I went closer to hear what they were saying.

Unnecessary Fate (AC Rogue) Being RewrittenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang