21. The Great Escape

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It had been a three weeks since they let Gist go. I was still shaken by what happened to Shay. I was starting to ask Cormac about what was going on with him. How he was doing, that sort of thing. Of course, he shot me down. The more I worried about Shay, the bigger my feelings grew, and I didn't even know how that worked. I felt like I was betraying Tommy for falling for Shay, and the harder I tried at shoving those feelings aside, the seemed to grow. It was as if I were trying to burn out a flame by throwing paper at it. The more I tried, the bigger the flame grew.

Over the next few weeks, we planned how we were going to escape. The man who had the hots for me was going to be the key holder tonight. Which I was going to use to my advantage. I was to seduce him and then take the key. I would then slit his throat and open up everyone's cages so we could separate into two groups. I would lead one and Shay would. Shay's team would sneak past the pirates and the would travel along the rope that was towing the Morrigan. They would then kill anyone on board cut the many ropes attached to the ship. Once they freed themselves, Shay would use the Morrigan as a diversion, giving my team the time we needed to infiltrate the ship and get into the captain's cabin. The first plan was to kill him on the spot, but I had a different idea. I wanted to confront him and make him pay for what he did to my Shay. Once I heard what I needed to hear, I would kill him in a heartbeat. We were then going to sneak throughout the ship and kill as many of the crew as we could. The Storm Fortress was a massive ship, and we had little time to put our plan into motion. The Morrigan was small and quite quick, but these Legendary ships types could hone in on her position and take her out with their deadly cannons. However, if things went awry, we were to set the ship on fire, that would give Shay the signal he needed to turn the Morrigan around and rescue us.

"Alright, do we all know the plan?" I asked silently.

Everyone nodded. "Yes, when do we get to kill some pirates?" Hogar asked eagerly.

"Patience, my friend, patience." I replied.

H0gar frowned. "Fine, but the more we wait, the angrier I get."

I nodded my head. "Good, use that anger to kill these fucks."

An hour later, right on time, there came the key holder, and naturally. He kept eyeing me with that gross smirk. I smiled back and slowly got up. "Hey there, handsome. About time you showed. It's getting to be a bit lonely in here." I pouted.

He inched towards me with a grin. "You're in a dungeon full of men, how could you be lonely?"

I sighed and rested my head on the bar. "Because non of them are interested in me, especially Shay, he just continuously turns me down." I ran my eyes up and down his body, feeling like I needed to throw up, but it seemed to draw him closer. "Say, why don't you and I have a little fun, and make these boys jealous? They'll see what they're missing out on."

He snickered and crossed his arms. "But you've never shown me interest, until now."

I nodded my head. "True, but then I thought. Why sleep with these... hideously incompetent fools, when I you're here? I hear pirates are extremely good in bed." I winked and bent over to show off my cleavage.

That seemed to do the trick, he came over and was about to reach for my boobs, when I grabbed his arm and yanked him towards me. "Wha-what are you doing?"

I chuckled. "I'm going to kill you, shit-for-brains." I grabbed the key and used it to cut his throat, I wanted to go slowly to make him suffer, but his screams would draw more pirates to the dungeon.

Once he collapsed, I unlocked the cage and waited for Shay to get out. I then went over to the rest and released them. "That hurt my feelings." Hogar responded.

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