“I considered you a friend. Perhaps I was wrong in that decision,” he replied.  “Who…or rather, what are you, Cora?”

 She took in a deep breath before speaking. “Hundreds of years ago, I was an average girl. I had people who loved me, and people I loved. I had a beautiful place to call home: Luminaria. It was so grand. There was nothing boring about that place. I lived a comfortable, peaceful life, until the king died. Then the city was taken. The people I loved burned in the fires. I ran, but I could not escape. A Relinquo killed me.”

 “It was then that Minerva came to me. She gave me a choice. She could grant me eternal life or I could die. But there was a catch. If I accepted immortality, I would have to serve her. Back then, I was so frightened of death, I quickly chose eternity. I was granted the power of necromancy, similar to the powers Minerva possesses. I am capable of killing with one single spell. That is how easy it will be to take your life.”

 Kyle frowned. “She’s using you Cora, just like how she used Maximillian.” He instinctively glanced over to where Marissa knelt beside him, holding him in her arms.

 “Do you believe so? You know, I bear the crystal’s Rune. I was meant to be its protector.  The old Rune-bearer died helping the queen escape. Before my own death, that power was transferred to me.”

 “Cora, she needed you. As the Rune bearer, you could sense where each fragment was. She was using you to gather them all. Don’t you see?”

 “She will not cast me aside like the human man. I carry out all of her requests. I have command over her armies as well. I may as well be considered her successor. Enough of this banter. I was given a directive to eliminate you.”

 Was she even skilled in combat? Kyle had never seen her fight. He did not care; he would not fight her. He could not bring himself to. Was this what Maximillian felt when he was made to combat the group? Even though Minerva had corrupted his mind, surely he felt something for Marissa still?

 Cora had every intention to duel with him; she had the intention to kill. Her eyes revealed differently though. They were clouded with sorrow and regret. Though she felt these emotions, she still moved to defeat him.

 She waved her hand in the air once, and a sword materialized, falling to rest in the palm of her hand. The metal of the blade was black and extremely sharp. The hilt was blood red with onyx embedded inside it. It hummed with magical energy, surely given this attribute by Minerva. It was a sword meant to kill.

 Not hesitating, she lunged for him. She was fast, but not fast enough. He managed to dodge the blade, but just barely. The edge managed to graze his cheek, leaving a minor wound. It stung, the magicks imbued in the sword making the wound worse.

 She frowned and swung at him again with an upward slash. He parried the blade and pushed back. She staggered backwards, allowing him to counterattack. He would not harm her. He imagined that this was practice with Leira, in the forests of Fortis.

 She got her blade up in time to block. While their blades were pressed together, she kicked him in the stomach. He fell back, bending over as the pain coursed through his body. She had kicked him hard.

Cora, now having the advantage, prepared to slice his neck to end it all. But he would not let her; he had to live. He recovered from the shock of the attack, but feigned that he was still in excruciating pain. She lifted the sword, ready to deal the final blow.

 But it never came. Kyle gripped his sword tightly. He slashed upward with so much force; the dark sword flew out of her hands and clattered onto the floor. He stood up straight and grabbed her shoulders.

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