Next day

I closed my locker walking to the cafeteria to go to lunch. I heard somebody calling my name and I turned around to see Andrew jogging up towards me. "Hey Quincy," I teased, playfully pushing him.

"Hey ugly," He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Andrew was a light skin that kept himself together. He resembled Quincy Brown reason why I always call him that.

I mushed his head and rolled my eyes. "I'm not ugly and you know it," I smiled sarcastically. He waved me off and unwrapped his arms as we got to a vendor machine.

I put the money in the vendor machine and picked a bag of cheezits and a apple juice. While Andrew picked a bag of hot Cheetos and sprite. We walked outside and took a seat on the bricks.

"So what's been up," He asked, opening his chips. I shrugged not feeling comfortable to tell him everything going on with me.

"This guy been trying to talk to me lately but I don't know what to do," I explained, opening my apple juice and taking a sip. I noticed his demeanor changed but he tried to play it off.

"What you mean trying to talk to you," He questioned.

"Well I wouldn't say trying to talk to me but he keep trying to do nice gestures to me and I don't know what do," I complained. "It's like I think he want to get with me and don't want to come out and just say it but the other side is telling me just focus on the main things,"

"Well, you basically never had a boyfriend before so I understand why you're confused about him if he like you or not but just give him a shot he might be a good guy," He tried to reason with me. I took in what he was saying into consideration.

"Okay, so if I approach him today and ask for his number is that too pushy," I asked in a complaining tone and he shook his head.

"He's probably one of them guys that thinks that's chasing after a girl so he don't approach them first in that way," He shrugged, and I nodded my head.

"Oan don't be going M.I.A. on me either light bright," He joked, mushing my face and I laughed. He been my best friend since middle school and I still didn't trust him enough to tell him the real me.

We talked out there a little longer and then went to our classes. I was happy today was going by fast because, I didn't feel like dealing with these people all day.

Once school was out I walked out the school and get in my car. I scanned the parking lot to see if I could find Cinad but I didn't.

I shrugged it off and glanced down and noticed I was low on gas. I decided to stop at the gas station before going to pick up Emoni and Mace.


Every since last week I haven't seen Ava and I honestly was stopping to bother to get to know her. I pulled up to the gas station to get gas before I was going to pick up my little brother from football practice.

I turned my car off and walked into the gas station. I paid for my gas and walked back out to the car to pump the gas when I heard somebody call my name causing me grab my waist.

"Hey," A soft voice said behind me. I turned around and seen Ava which caused me to smile a little on the inside but I kept my straight face on the outside.

"Wassup," I said looking my bottom lip continuing to pump my gas.

"Look I know you probably been thinking I been rude towards but I appreciate all the times you helped," She smiled small with nervousness in her voice.

"It's no problem," I replied back turning around to take the pump out and get back in my car. I heard her let out a sigh of frustration causing me to laugh.

"You see how I felt now," I said cutting my eyes at her. She nodded her head and pushed her hair out her face.

"Look I don't know what I feel but I think I have a crush on you. So can I have your number and we go out sometime," She asked blankly which caught me off guard.

"Sure," I shrugged getting in the car. She handed me a piece of paper with her number written on it causing me to laugh.

"You had this all planned, didn't you," I chuckled.

"You don't even know the half," She laughed.

We stood there for a while awkwardly looking at each other. "So um, I'm a text you tonight so we can plan our outing." I said and she nodded before walking back to her car and getting in.

Ava was something special and I don't think anybody seen it.


I walked into my new home that I just bought a couple days ago and was loving it. It wasn't furnished all the way yet but it had enough for me to get by.

I walked into my room and took off my pants and shirts leaving me in my basketball shorts. I was tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. As soon as I was dozing off I remember I said I was going to text Ava.

I grabbed the piece of paper from my pants that was on the floor by me and grabbed my phone saving her number and texted her. I was horrible at texting, I was more so of a just call me type of person.

So Uh Hi.

Ava 🙃🤔: Cinad?

Yea, so about this outing. I'm not letting you pay, so where you wanna go?

Ava🙃🤔: But I asked you ☹️

That's weird I'm not letting no female pay for me

Ava🙃🤔: Your difficult I see 🙄. But it don't matter let's go somewhere fun.

Alright, it's going to be this weekend so be ready.

We text the entire night which was weird because, I never text people back. I tried to get her to call me but she continued to say she was busy.

It was more to Ava and I couldn't wait to find out.

Hey guise.

How you feel about this chapter?

I'm having so much fun writing this book but I hope guise are enjoying.

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I didn't really edit so excuse errors lol.

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