¤ Chapter 28: College + Vacation ¤

Start from the beginning

I picked it up sitting on the bed crossed legged, and opened my laptop to my email.

To my surprise I found acceptance letter for college, I practically screamed with joy, this means that Bee and me get to go to college together.

I got up to the bed and started to jump with excitement, my hips moving as I started to dance happily.

"What's got you so excited mistress?" Skymark asked floating around me.

"We're going to college!!" I screamed in excitement and danced on the bed.

"You got the email, didn't you?" Bee asks walking in, he stood and crossed his arms, shaking his head while smiling.

I nodded shyly, thinking of all the good times we'll have.

Bee jumps up on the bed, and brings me into a warm embrace.

"I can't wait to tell my parents and I hope Bri made it." I said jumping off.

"My guess is she did, Smokescreen is also coming along, along with Jazz, Teddy, and Sam." Bee explained with a grin plastered on his lips

"This is the best day ever!" I said doing my happy dance.

Bee laughs, and snakes his arms around my waist.

"That's not even the half of it." He says grabbing my laptop, letting his arm fall off my waist as he walked to the bed and sat down.

"What do you mean?" I asked him curious, cocking my head to the side.

He makes a quick gesture for me to sit next to him on the bed. I did as he wanted and peired at the laptop, it showed different types of cabins in Gatlinburg.

Bee knows I love it there, I told him that I hope there will be a day were we could go there and stay for a month. How I would love to spend time with him there.

"Vic?" Bee asked snapping me out of my dream state.

"Hmmm?" I asked him, showing that he has my undivided attention.
"I was wondering for our first date, I want to spend a month with you here, in a cabin. Just the two of us." He says as his face turned pink.

"Yes." I whispered with tears in my eyes, filling with happiness.

"Yes ,yes ,yes !" I said to him leaping in his arms, as I shocked him slightly.

Bee fell over on the bed , chuckling as I held on to him. He smiles shyly at me and kisses my forehead.

"This is what I've always wanted. To have these moments with you, but we were so young...." He trailed off.

"You're not the only one, before I meet you, I've always wanted a guy like you. The one who would love and not lie to me about very important things." I tried to keep my voice settle but it wavered a little remembering the boys that broke me.

Bee lifted my chin so I could look right up at him.

"I would never lie, if it was necessary yes, but to lie to you that if I did something wrong, I would tell you the truth and you know that. I will never break you and leave you broken like they did. I will love you and cherish you and our memories together forever." He whispers as a tear fell down my cheek.

He wipes it away and brings me closer to him, our eyes locking with each others

"And that's a promise." He whispers as he places a kiss on my lips.

When we pull back I smiled happily and hugged him tightly, my face in his chest as tears poured down my face.

He lifts my face up and wipes the tears away from my face, and kisses my nose.

I blushed, while he held me tightly.

I reached and brought the laptop over and sat it on my lap, looking at the cabins on the screen.

"So which cabin is ours?" I asked him looking at the screen.

Bee used his other arm to point out the cabin selection that has cabins by the lake.

"You wanted to have our cabin by the lake?" I asked flustered, just thinking of us sitting by the lake.

"The ratings say that it's beautiful at night when the lights are on and when they shoot fireworks." He says to me, with on arm around my waist.

"So, what do you think?" He asked me, placing his chin on my head.

"It's going to be amazing." I said to him, awestruck, laying my back on his chest, smiling thinking about how he planned this for us.

"I was hoping you would like it, I didn't know if you wanted to spend time with alone." He says to me, nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you kidding me, alien robot or not, I love you for who you are Bumblebee. And nothing is ever going to change that." I said with a shy smile, as I messed with my fingers.

Bee kisses my cheek and puts the laptop away, he fakes a yawn while wiggling his eyebrows, I giggled as I knew what he wanted.

Really, you want to cuddle, he's glade I love him to death.

I layed down on the bed and gestured for him to come on, my face heating up as I turned my head away.

Bee smiled as he layed down next to me and snakes his arms around my waist, using the other to pull a blanket over us.

"How long did you feel this way about me?" I asked rolling over in the bed, so we're face to face.

Bee brushes a piece of hair out of my face, causing my face to flush in the process.

"Ever since I meet you, I'm sure you knew that from my parents and Optimus telling you, but after you went to get the tokens, that incident, I then realized that it wasn't just a crush. I was in love with you. I told Optimus and the bot's that were worried about us at first, but knew I'd protect you just like any mech would to protect they're mate." He says with a shy smile.

"I'm your mate?" I asked him my face flushed blue as I hid under the blanket.

Bee chuckled and lifted the blanket up to see my face.

"No, not yet, but I hope we will some day." He says to me, with a shy smile, his cheeks bright blue.

I slowly came out from under the covers, my hair messy, curly as I forgotten to straighten it.

"The same here." I said looking down while blushing.

He smiles and pulls me closer to him.

"You make me so happy, if I lost you, I don't know what I'll do." He whispers softly.

I kissed him and smiled.

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you to." I said to him, gently tucking my head underneath his chin.

Bee smiled as we both laid down and cuddled against each other.

I was tucked under his chin, his arm around my waist as he fell asleep, with me in his arms.

I laid my head on his chest as his arm tightened around my waist.

I closed my eyes feeling loved and treasured, and let the darkness consume me.


Sorry about the complications, wattpad was messing up, 😊.

I've been really focused on my book chapters and others for the future, I really want good content in my books.

I'm sorry for the long wait, I'm still writing, everyday in fact.
Alright, goodbye guy's 😋

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