¤ Chapter 10: You're Ready For This ¤

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Present day

Bee's pov:

I look at myself in the mirror and ruffle my hair.

Today's the day I'm gonna do it I'm gonna tell her how I feel. I'm gonna tell her the feelings that I've had for four years.

I'm so nervous and excited to get this off my chest. I'm gonna ask her on a date and tell her how I feel. 

How much I love her and will die for her and not let anyone hurt her.

She's sixteen now. I've noticed that she's ready.......maybe I don't know how girls work. I've noticed that she's been expecting something out of me recently and I'm excited to finally tell her.

I zone back into the room when I hear a knock on the door.

"H-hey Bee are you done yet I left my necklace in there." Vic said through the door.

"Y-yeah don't worry I'll bring it out." I said picking up her necklace that's by the sink.

I look at myself one more time then sigh. I placed my hand on the door knobe.

"I can do this." I said quietly to myself. Then I walk out and see Vic looking beautiful as always.

My pov:

I look at Bee when he walks out the bathroom and has a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Good morning." I said while he places the necklace on my neck.

"Good morning my flower. You're looking amazing today." He said blushing a little.

"T-thank you. I love your shirt." I said pointing to his new shirt he bought.

"Thanks. I you're outfit looks great too." He said blushing.

I smile and nudged him with my elbow.

We walk to his alt mode ready for school. I look at Bee most of the way.

My feelings for him get stronger and stronger every day.

I need to tell him before we go to nest to get ready for the war.

I've been focusing on my strategy for it and have been training at night with Bee when I can't go to sleep.

I've been having more nightmares than usual. It's almost time and I'm ready.......right?

We get to school and walk in. I've been sensing that something is going to happen today.

I haven't told Bee because I want to tell him how I feel before we go to war, I've always loved him and I'm never going to stop.

We head to our lockers. I've been on high alert all week because Stinger just suddenly disappeared.

I know what he's doing planning on their first attached on earth.

I've been thinking about everything that me and Bee have been through good and bad. He was there no matter what. He always called me his flower.

Many people have been saying that we're dating but whenever me or Bee want to say something about it Bri always cuts in and says it's never gonna happen.

One time she pulled me into the girl's bathroom and told me that I should go on a date with a boy that's "human". I told her I couldn't do that to Bee but she told me to try.

When I got ready at home to go on the date Bee said nothing to me. Not a "see you later" or "tell me how it went when you get back".

He was just looking at the floor sitting on his bed. I went on the date and the most of the time the guy was looking at other girls.

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