¤ Chapter 19: Into the Deft Of War ¤

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Me and Sam screamed to the top of or lugs as the car jolted.

I hung onto the car seat for dear life as I looked at the ground through the front window, twenty feet away from dropping, crashing on impact.

I looked up and see Bee through the back window holding us by the bridge.

"Hold on." He says as he jumped down along with the other bot's in there cybertronian form.

Bee softly placed the car on the ground as I shakingly got out tramatized.

Sam followed along with me unbuckling the seatbealt of the cube and handed it to me.

I look up and see Bri already walking towards me with my weapons in hand.

"I thought you might need these." Bri said as I took my grande belt and put it on, and slung my blaster over my shoulder.

"Yeah thanks." I said to her with a nod.

I held the cube out to Optimas expecting for him to take it, but he kneeled before me and pushed the cube back to my chest with his finger, signaling that he will not take it.

"Victoria, when the time comes, I'll sacrifice myself for this planet, encert the cube inside my chest when I say it's time." Optimus explained.

I shook my head trying to hold back tears as I knew I was going to make the other decision.

"No, Optimus, there's another way-" I was cut of by William screaming at the top of his lungs, "MOVE!!" was all he said before the blast zoomed past us and hit a building.

"Autobots protect the humans!" Optimus ordered while running into battle.

I wrapped armor around me feeling the adrenaline, of the screams coming from families and friends running for there lives, confused about what's happening to their city.

I ran with Sam to the wall of trucks that were filled with army defenses.

I suddenly saw Bri grab a blaster from Smokescreen and kissed him on the lips before turning around shooting a con down.

Damn Briana!

I turned and found Bee struggling with a con, he kick it in the knee making it topple over.

I blasted it before it could shoot Bee in the stomach.

I shot it again in the spark making sure it didn't come back.

"Nice shot." Bee said with a smirk.

"I had a two good teachers." I said with a smile underneath my helmet.

My smile faded as I saw Stinger and his friend come into view.

They shoot at the gasoline tanks in front of us as I screamed, "BACK UP, BACK UP!!! BUMBLEBEE!!!"

I flew in the air and landed on the hard gravel on the road, knocking the air out of my lungs, gasping trying to catch my breath, Sam pulled me to my feet checking if I was okay, my helmet must have flown off.

"I'm fine, where's Bee?" I asked him, I looked around for him, my heart racing.

He stared behind me white as a sheet, that obviously wasn't a good sign.

I turned around as my heart shattered.

"BUMBLEBEE!!" I screamed as I ran to him.

Bee uses his arms pulling himself along the ground, legless, sparks flying from each wire in each limb.

I got on my knees beside him trying to stay calm, but I just couldn't.

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