Final Decision

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Author's POV

As the temperature started to drop. So did the number of days for Krystal's significant other Kai.

December 16 to be exact.

The day Kai lost his life. And unfortunately if Krystal doesn't make a decision soon. He may lose it again.

"Amber I'm so sorry" Krystal whined as she watched her bestfriend lay unconscious in the hospital bed.

"This whole thing is my fault. Maybe if I told the coach that Kai wasn't feeling well that day. None of this would be happening."

Krystal said before sniffing. As tears were gliding down her cheeks. She can't beileve that over a couple of months, her life has changed drastically.

One minute she was living any college girls dream. To be a popular cheerleader with a handsome football player as her companion.

But now, she's on the fence of losing the one she cares about the most if she doesn't commit the ultimate sacrifice.

"This is so messed up" Krystal added before standing up from her chair. And wondering around the hospital room.

She wasn't looking at anything in particular when her eyes drifted to the calendar. And that's when her expression changed.

"December 14!" Krystal said in shock. It didn't seem like she would have to make the decision so soon. But here she is having to face her fears.

Krystal looks back at Ambers resting body and knew this would be the last she would see her.

"Amber... " Krystal calls out as she slowly approaches the bed once again.

She then starts to reflect on their old memories in peace. When she starts to crack a smile.

"I'll miss you a lot. I hope we can reunite one day. But not anytime soon. I want you to live a way longer life than I did.......I love you Amber-shi" Krystal whispered before bending down to hug her best friend.

Krystal then let go and left the room.

And while trying not to cry. Krystal is trying to making her way out of the hospital building. When she bumps into someone she was hoping not to see.

"Krystal? What are you doing here? Were you on your way to see me?" Taemin asked and Krystal chuckled.

"No Taemin. I was just visiting Amber."

"Amber's here!? What happened?" Taemin asked while leaning on one of his crutches.

And Krystal tried to find the strength to speak.

"The same thing that happened to you" Krystal said and Taemins eyes widened.

"She was hit by a car too?" He asked.

"No" Krystal said blandly.

"Then what do you mean?"

"She tried to stop fate from happening. And now she's in here" Krystal said and Taemin stayed quiet.

Krystal told Taemin about what Myungji said that day while he was on bed rest. And when he found out, he grew afraid.

Realizing that voodoo is nothing to play with. Or take lightly.

"So your really going through with this?" Taemin asked. And Krystal paused before she slowly nodded.

"I don't have a choice" she mumbled.

"You always have a choice Krystal" Taemin said disagreeing.

"No I don't! Not this time. Trust me, I tried to think of any way around this. But I'm unsuccessful. This is what it has to be" Krystal said as her tears were on their way back to her eyes.

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