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Kai's POV

"Ouch" I mumbled before sitting up and out of my slumber. I rubbed my aching neck before looking around and realizing where I was.

It then took a minute before everything from last night came rushing back to me.

I don't know what happened. Krystal, along with her friends, told me that I'm supposed to be dead. But if that's the case, then why am I sitting here in her house then?

My mind is turning to mush. And all I want to do is talk to my mom. I haven't seen her in a while and I'm really starting to miss her.

I picked up the house phone and dialed my mother's number. It rang a couple of times before she answered.


She sounded upset. Like she had just been crying. And that worried me.

"Uh... omma?" I mumbled. And I heard her gasp.

"Jongin!? Is that you!" My mom yelled desperately and I frowned. But before I could answer. My dad grabbed the phone from her.

"Look who ever you are, your sick. How dare you call this phone pretending to be my deceased son huh? If I find out who your are, I swear I'm going to-"

The line suddenly went dead. As I slowly dropped the phone from my face.

Deceased Son?

What's going on?

Was he talking about me?

"Pshh stop kidding yourself. You must be dreaming." I said out loud to myself. Before nervously cracking a smile.

I then stood up quickly and walked up to Krystal's room. Alarmed by the possible news of my death being true. How can any of this be possible?

I walked up to her door and tried to open it. When I suddenly hit something that was blocking my entrance.

I look through the little crack in the door. Only to see Krystal laying asleep on the floor.

I shook my head before sliding my slim body into her room.

I then look at Krystal to see that she is completley sprawled out and in a deep sleep.

I smiled to myself before bending down to pick her up. And put her in the bed.

After I tucked her in. I moved her hair out of her face and put it behind her ear. Krystal is truly gorgeous. I could stare at her all day......but I can't because that would be weird.

I leaned to kiss her for head. Before I turned on my heels to leave the room. But I stopped suddenly when I saw a white booklet faced down on floor
in front of the door. Krystal must've been laying on it.

"Ah messy girl" I mumble before picking the booklet up. And when I analyzed it. I suddenly became paralyzed.

All of my worst fears have been confirmed

In Loving Memory Of Kim Jongin

It read as my eyes popped out to their full extent.

I kept rereading, hoping that the words would change. But to my dismay, nothing did. The result still remains the same.


Krystal's POV

I sighed as I was sitting on Amber's couch. She was doing something to my hair but I don't know what. And to be honest I dont care. Its not any of my concern right now.

The Broken Goodbye(Exo Kai FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora