Coffee Shop

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Krystal's POV

Its been a month and six days since Kai popped back into my life. And things are starting to seem normal again.

Well.... almost normal.

Kai and I have this routine now. I go to school and he basically sits in my house and waits until I get home.

It may seem sad and boring. But with the new games and things I bought a couple of weeks ago to keep Kai occupied. It actually seems like it's going to work.

I know what your thinking. It seems like I'm treating Kai like a child. But it's the only thing working for us right now.

It's not like I don't let him get out of the house. We go out all the time at night. Since that's the only time of day where it's hard to identify people.

Its now Saturday morning and I have to go grocery shopping. Besides myself, Kai eats like a garbage disposal. So it's rare that we keep food in the house for long.

I slip on my shoes and make my way to the living room. So I can tell Kai that im leaving.

"Kai I'm going out to get grocery" I said. And Kai didn't even look at me. He was to involved in this odd looking animé.


"Ne?" He said finally looking at me. And I shook my head.

"I'm going out to get food. Do you want anything?" I asked.

"Bring back some chicken. We ran out yesterday" he said.

"We keep running out. Because you eat chicken like it's going out of style" I said and Kai didn't respond as he went back watching the show.

I rolled my eyes before I walked away. And out of the front door.

"Why do I like such a weird guy?" I asked myself before I started up my car and drove to the store.

Kai's POV

I waited a few seconds until I heard Krystal's car drive out of the driveway. Before I stood up and looked out the window to make sure she was gone.

And when I realized that her car was no longer there. I ran upstairs to take a shower and get dressed.

For the last few weeks. Krystal doesn't know that I sometimes go out during the day. Even if it's just to walk. I just really like being out during the day.

The sun shines bright and people are all around walking their dogs and playing with their kids. Being around all of that actually makes me cheerful.

Going out at night makes me feel like some freak. That's when all the creeps of Seoul come out to prowl. And sometimes I feel like I've become one of them.

I put on my clothes and a hat to cover my face.

Before I walked out of the house. And started down the street.

I didn't really have any place I really wanted to go until I suddenly thought of somewhere.

My team mates Chen,Chanyeol,Suho,Xiumin,Lay, Sehun,Baekhyun and D.O all go out to the coffee shop on Saturdays to hang out.

Sometimes Kris, Tao and Luhan would join us. But since they quit the football team. We don't really see them that often.

I thought about visiting the coffee shop before. But soon forgot all about it, assuming that it would be to risky.

But unlike the other days. I was willing to take the risk today.

I turned the corner. And started to make my way towards the front of the store.
I then went in and analyzed the newly remodeled place.

It looked a whole lot better than it did before. Thats for sure. The seats were a different color. Along with the walls and tiles on the floor.

I was taken away by the impressive transformation. Until I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.

I froze not turning around to look at whoever it was. Until they spoke.

"Excuse me sir. Do you need assistance?" this unfamiliar feminine voice asked me.

I then sighed before I turned around to see this new waitress looking back at me.

"Ah ani I'm okay. I was just looking around." I responded and smiled before she nodded lightly.

"Well just call me if you need anything. My name is Lee Hyeonsoo" she said before slightly bowing towards me as I did the same.

"Uh Hyeonsoo can I get a coffee with no cream or sugar" I asked.

"Sure coming right up" she said chiperly before she walked.

I then walked over to sit in a booth. Before I cautiously scanned the room. And I didn't see any sign of my members.

They probably stopped coming once they found out about my death.

I thought to myself. Before I took off my hat and pushed my hair back.

"Kyungsoo let go of Baekhyuns ear" I heard Suho's voice say.

Before I looked towards the door and saw all of my members walking in one after the other. Kris, Tao and Luhan were even here today.

My heart dropped before I shoved my hat back onto my head. In a fit of panic.

They sat at the table right across the room from me.

I looked at them silently. Glad to see that they still came to the coffee shop. With each one of my team mates looking different since the last time I saw them.

Almost everyone's hair was a different color. And D.O even looked like he grew an inch or two.

"What are you getting today Sehun?" Tao asked.

"I don't know why?" He asked

"He was going to copy you because thats what he always does" Chen said. And Tao glared at him.

"I think if Tao could switch skins with anybody. It would probably be you Sehun. Tao's obsession is disturbing" Baekhyun said before he started laughing.

"Yah shut up that's not true" Tao said.

"Better not be" Luhan said.

"What?" Sehun asked.


I smiled to myself listening to them talk. Nothing with them has truly changed.

"Why don't you get a black coffee?" Suho asked

"Because Kai always got a black coffee. I never liked it" Tao said before the room became quiet.

"Ne he did didn't he." Sehun said as his tone showed sudden sadness.

"Yeah. I really miss him sometimes" Chanyeol said while my members hummed in agreement.

And I felt myself get sad to. I bet they missed me just as much as I missed them.

"Yah do you see that guy over there. He kinda looks like Kai. Don't you think?" Luhan said. Before I felt everyone's eyes on me. And I didnt dare to look their way.

This can't be good..

"Here's your drink sir" Hyeonsoo said before she sat the coffee in front of me.

"Chen get up so you get a closer look" I heard Kris say. And I grew alarmed.

So without thinking. I grabbed the waitress so she could block my view of them. But I knew it could only stall but for so long.

"Yah want are you doing?" Hyeonsoo asked abruptly. And I realized I was creating a scene.

So I let go of her and reached in my pocket before throwing my money on the table to pay for the coffee. Before I stood up.

But by the time I looked up. Everyone had their eyes fixiated on me. And all of them looked shocked upon seeing my face.

My eyes went wide too as I ran out of the store.

"Yah get back here!"

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