Catch Up

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Krystal's POV

"Wow can you believe it's almost been a year know.." Amber started to say. As she was sitting across from me in Kai's living room.

And I frowned at her in confusion.

"No I don't know. What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Kai coming back from the dead. It's amazing really" Amber cooed and my eyes widened.

She was right.

It has almost been a year since that day. Woah...time really flies.

"It has hasn't it" I said in surprise.

"Ne. And speaking of Kai. How have you guys been? I haven't seen you guys in like ten years" Amber said exaggerating. And I laughed.

Amber went on a trip to the states for the rest of the summer. And I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks. It's definitely time to catch up.

"Great. Everything has been wonderful between us. Up until recently" I said and Amber scooted closer. As if what I just said made her interested.

"What do you mean?"

"He's been looking different these days" I said not knowing how to put it.

"Like a new hair cut different or-"

"No I mean different different. He's become paler than usual. And he's been extra tired lately." I said worried about my boyfriend.

"Is his job working him too hard?" Amber asked.

"I don't know. I guess that could be the case. I never thought of that" I said.

"See. That's what I'm here for"

"Haha. But other than that. It's good, he just has the flu right now though" I said and Amber threw her arms in the air.

"That's it! It's the flu, it can make you turn all types of colors" Amber said making me giggle.

I'm glad she's here to keep me company.


I turn my head towards the phone. Hoping that it's not the same old person who's always calling this house.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Amber asked once the phone kept ringing. And I nodded briefly before standing up and walking towards the device.

I then grabbed it, mid ring and answered the unknown number.



I roll my eyes. Knowing that I shouldn't have answered the phone in the first place.

"If your not going to say anything. You should just stop calling this house" I said before hanging up the phone.

"Wow....what was that about?" Amber asked as I was walking back to the couch. And I sighed deeply.

"Kai and I have been getting these phone calls from this unknown number. And whenever him or I would answer. There was always silence and all we heard was them breathing" I said uneasily.

It was really creepy getting those phone calls. And they weren't just during the day. It was at night too.

"Woah....did you tell them to stop calling?" Amber asked like the answer was obvious enough.

"No Amber, I tell then to call more often" I said sarcastically and Amber nodded.

"You should start telling them to stop then"

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