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Krystal's POV

"You want Krystal to sacrifice herself?" Taemin asked. Basically speaking what I was thinking.

"It's the only way" Myungji replied.

"I don't understand" I mumble.

"Destiny is not avoidable. So whether he goes or you go. Fate has to have a victim in order to keep the world in balance" Myungji said.

"You seriously can't do anything? Your a freaking witch for crying out loud. You have all these spells and all this voodoo crap. And you can't do anything?" Taemin asked outraged.

I don't know if he was doing this for me or for Kai. But, I'm glad someones speaking up about this craziness.

"It's not up to me. It's in the hands of mother nature and natural order. I'm sorry, but I can't help you two" Myungji said throwing her hands in the air. And that's when I became emotional.

"Why does this have to happen to me?" I ask as tears welled up in my eyes. I don't know what to do. All I know is that neither of us will be happy in the end.

And how is that fair?

"Don't listen to her Krystal" Taemin said standing up and eyeing Myungji. As I looked at him in awe. What was he doing?

"She just wants to ruin your and Kai's life. Don't kill yourself just to prove a point. We'll find another way. Come on" Taemin said as he helped me up.

And as we were halfway out the door. Myungji said something.

"You might not want to stop fate from happening. Only bad things will occur if you do so" Myungji said in an warning tone.

But I think I was only one who heard her. Because Taemin kept walking off. Not stopping for a split second.

We then walked up the steps. And thankfully Seunghyun was no where in sight. So we ended up leaving the store conversation free.

And once we were outside. I asked Taemin about his outburst.

"Yah Taemin-ah. What was that all about?"

"She's obviously lying to you guys. So you won't go to the doctor. And get actual help. But luckily for us, Jonghyun's uncle happens to be a doctor. So we're in the clear"

Taemin said making this uneasy feeling go coursing through my body I have a bad feeling about this.

"Taemin I don't think it's such a good idea" I said.

As I watched him walk to the parked car on the side of the street. He was at the drivers side when he stopped and responded to me.

"And why isn't it? Your not going to kill yourself because all Kai's going to be is miserable. And vise versa, if Kai dies again. There's no happy ending." Taemin said having a valid point.

"I know. But Myungji said-"

"Forget what Myungji said. It's all just a bunch of bulls#!*. Who believes in all that stuff anyway?" Taemin said backing away from his car.

Just then, that's when I heard the screeching of tires. But by the time I looked to see where it was coming from.

It was too late.

Taemin was hit by this speeding car and went flying across the road.

I ran to him. And the closer I got, the more horrific the scene became. Taemins right arm was bent the opposite way. While his legs were covered in blood, as he lay unconscious.

"Oh my God Taemin!" I yell as I squat down beside him.

I then looked at the car that hit him. And to my surprise, there was no one in there. It was just an empty seat. And I knew why all too well.

Myungji .....

I looked at the crowd. And saw a couple of people on the phone with the police. But I froze when I saw Seunghyun standing among the large group of people. With a tooth pick in his mouth.

I stared at him. And all he did was shake his head as he suddenly disappeared into the swarming citizens.

He must've known something was about to happen.....



"Are you sure that's why?" Amber asked. And I nodded silently.

We were sitting on Kai's bed. Talking about Taemins horrific event.

It's been a week and three days since the incident. And he's in the hospital making a full recovery...

But that's not the point.

Myungji had to be behind this.

"Yes I'm sure. Why else would it have happened? Myungji said not to disagree with fate. Or bad things will happen". I said and Amber looked at me like I was dumb.

"Yeah right. Now, I believe she has magical powers and all. But I honestly don't think the reason why Taemin got hurt was because of the whole 'fate' thing" Amber said making quotations with her fingers.

"And why not? I mean it all makes sense. He didn't listen and now he's hurt"

"Don't fool yourself. Taemin is just a pabo. He was in the street and backed into the pathway of a speeding vehicle. Don't blame his stupidity on Myungji" Amber said convincing me.

"I guess your right....But that still doesn't explain why no one was in the car" I said and Amber sighed as she stood up.

"The driver must've fled the scene. He knew he was going to be arrested. And he ran off. And as for Seunghyun being there and shaking his head"

"Yeah. What's your theory on that know it all" I said getting frustrated. I hate when Amber's right. And so far....

She was making me sound like I was stupid.

"Well I'll tell you. He was shaking his head because of Taemin. You can just look at that guy and tell he's coo-coo for coco puffs" Amber said making me laugh.

"Okay Amber. Your right"

"I know I am. Look Krystal, all of this extra worrying. Isn't good for you" Amber said changing her tone into a serious one.

"I know it's not. But what about Kai? He just keeps getting worse. And I don't know what I can do to help him" I said feeling helpless.

"Krystal we'll figure out something" Amber said trying to comfort me. And I rolled my eyes. And stood up.

"That's what Taemin said" I said walking away from her.

"He did?"

"Yeah" I said chuckling. And facing her.

"Well as much as I hate to admit it. He's right" Amber said and I frowned.

"Woah...what did you just say? Are you feeling okay?" I asked putting my hand on Amber's for head. And she smacked it away.

"Haha very funny. But he's right Krystal. We always figure out something. And this time is no different" Amber said patting my back.

"Okay" I said walking her out of the room.

"Remember what I said. I'll be back tomorrow" Amber said as she was walking down the steps.

But before I could respond. Amber tripped and started falling down the stairs. Violently hitting every step.

I gasped as I ran down to where she was. And she was knocked out cold. And bleeding from her head.

My heart was going a mile a minute. When I looked up and into the next room. And saw Kai lying on the couch sleep.

I then looked back at Amber and sighed. As a tear ran down my face.

I know what I have to do.

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