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Kai's POV

"Im sorry I'm late!" I yell as I walk into the construction building.

"What were you doing that took you so long?" My appa asked. And I looked around the place only to see that we weren't as busy as I thought.

"Cleaning this guys glasses"

I said turning my attention back to him and he stood there staring me like I had three eyes. So I frowned.

"What?"I asked

"Nothing....Look none of that matters anyway. We don't need you today. So you can go home" My dad said before he turned and started to walk away from me.

But I followed behind him.

"What do you mean you guys don't need me today? I ran most of the way here due to traffic for nothing" I asked still somewhat out of breath.

I can't believe this.

"Ne it seems so" my dad said and I scoffed.

"Do you want to work without pay? If that's the case. I can find something for you to do-"

"Ani! Ani that's okay. I'll be leaving now" I said quickly.

"That's what I thought" my dad said before winking and ruffling my hair. And with that. He continued to walk off. And we parted ways.

I'm not upset about not having to work. I was just upset that I almost died trying to get here.

It was blazing hot outside. And when I was tired of being stuck in traffic. I got out the car and ran towards the building. With multiple cars almost flattening me in the process.

And not to mention that I ran into that guy.

I thought he seemed familiar when. I first looked at him. But soon felt silly. When I realized he looked like T.O.P of BIGBANG. That must be the reason why he looked so familiar.

I speed home until I pull into Krystal's drive way in a great mood. Im happy that I get to spend time with her today.

Im always working and usually get off of work late. Which means I never really have time to be with her. And that makes me feel bad.

I then grab the roses from the passengers side before getting out the car.

I went to the local flower shop on my walk back from the construction place. And decided to get my jagi some of her favorite flowers. Hopefully it'll make up the fact that I haven't being giving her the attention she deserves.

I was about to knock on the door. When I chuckled and shook my head.

Krystal gave me a few keys to her house. Because she doesn't like when I knock like a visitor. I guess we're already past that point.

I feel around in my pockets. Before I successfully grabbed the key. And stuck it in the door. Before turning it and letting myself into the house.


I whisper. It was really quiet so I didn't know if she was sleeping or not. But before I could call again. I heard mumbling coming from the living room.

I then let my feet guide me towards the noise. Until I walked around the corner.

And saw something that made my heart stop........

I dropped the roses completely stunned. Before I yelled in anger.

"Yah!!! What is this?!!"

I said before Krystal pushed him off of her and stood up. But it was too late......I saw everything.

I looked to Krystal not even knowing how to feel. I can't believe she did this to me.

"No Kai. It's not what you think" Krystal said walking up to me and touching my chest.

But I shook my head and pushed her arms away from me. As I backed up.

"Then what is it!? Is that why he came to my birthday party huh? So you could cheat on me with him!?" I asked lividly.

"No Kai. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him" Krystal said and I chuckled.


She knows I've been cheated on before. With someone I really cared about. And my ex girlfriend told me the same lie. 'He kissed me'....aishh are all girls the same?

"And you expect me to believe that?" I asked before Krystals face fell.

"What do you mean? It's the truth" Krystal said.

"Your lying! Why else would you have invited him over here for? Even after I told you that I didn't want you to see him-"

"He just showed up Kai! What was I supposed to do? Tell him to leave?" She asked like the answer wasn't obvious enough.

"Yes Krystal! Tell him to leave since I'm not comfortable with you around him.."

"Well sorry Kai. Im not as stone cold as you are. I didn't want to be rude" Krystal said and I smirked

Was she really trying to turn this around? Did she forget that she's the one who's cheating on me?

"I'm sure you didn't" I said sarcastically

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Is that how you started cheating on me with him? Because you didn't have the guts to say no? Or is because ......you didn't love me enough to say no?" I asked and tears started to form in her eyes.

"Are you questioning my love for you?" Krystal asked.

"I don't have to question it..... It's obvious how you feel "

"Kai I don't know what you want me to say-"

"Then don't say anything.....Krystal I loved you.....I still do. But it's clear now that the feelings aren't mutual" I said as I got choked up. And Krystal stared back at me in awe.

I then turned towards him.

I know this may be odd to say. But I'm not angry at Myungsoo. I mean who wouldn't want Krystal. She's this beautiful woman with goals, ambition and a model figure.

She has it all. And I thought that I was the one she wanted to share all of that with. But apparently..

I was wrong

"Take care of her....." I said before slowly looking back at Krystal. And she had tears spewing over the rim of her eyes.

"I guess I never could" I said in a low voice. But it was still loud enough for Krystal to hear. And that's all that matters.

It hurts me to see Krystal cry. I never want her to be unhappy. And if that's with me. Then I will leave. Because her happiness is more important than my own.

"No Kai please don't do this" Krystal said hysterically and I didn't respond. As I stepped on the roses on my way out of the house.

I basically ran to car. As I tried to leave as fast as I could. Being here a second longer could only break me.

And I didn't want to do that in front of Krystal. I even wanted to be strong up until the last minutes we were together. Because I know now where her heart is.

And unfortunately.....

Its not with me.

The Broken Goodbye(Exo Kai FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt