She looked to the ground thinking of what she should say.
'Oh, it's just that I'm a cuddler and if I sleep with you again then we will end up in the same position as this morning and btw you make me really uncomfortable. Plus, let word get out to Antoinette and my head will be on a stick in front of your castle scaring off the crows.'

Sighing she ran her hand through her hair. Nothing like the truth. "I don't feel comfortable in the bed for some reason so I was going to see if it would feel better on the couch." Okay, half the truth.

He tilted his head and eyed her skeptically before turning to go back to the bed. She let out a breath of relief and was about to turn back to the couch before his voice stopped her.

"Get in the bed, pet."

With a pursed mouth she begrudgingly did as she was told not wanting to make the werewolf king mad. Slipping into the cover's with him next to her she turned onto her side and tried to pretend he wasn't there like the other night only she could feel his stare burning into the back of her head. She had the urge to turn and glare at him but couldn't find it in herself to do so. She closed her eye's and tried to fall asleep only to get agitated when she could still feel his on her. Clenching her fist's in the blanket she got enough nerve to turn her head to glance at him just to see that he was laying on his side facing her with a blank face and eye's solely focused on her. She had a strong urge to get up and run from the look he was giving her. It was similar to how a wolf would watch it's prey and it made her nervous. He didn't say a word as she made eye contact with him but she could have sworn she saw his lips quirk up.

Squeezing her eye's shut she turned onto her back bringing the cover's up to her chin.

"Sing to me."

Her eye's snapped open to look at Rhyvos who continued to gaze at her.

"What?" She thought she heard him wrong.

"Sing to me."

Rosaline stared at him as if he's went bat-shit crazy and began shaking her head. He narrowed his eye's.

"Sing to me!"

The edge to his voice caused her to flinch away. She looked him over carefully before hesitantly asking him why.

"Because, it seems that you've sung to everyone but me. And plus, I said so. You do as I say for you are mine. Sing to me."

Rosaline stared at him. The only people she's sung to were Antoinette and Abellon. That hardly count's as everyone.
Rhyvos growled causing her to flinch again and she turned her head to look up at the ceiling.

"What would you like me to sing to you, Master." There was slight venom to her voice when saying the word 'Master' and she could tell that the king noticed as he gave out a warning growl before turning onto his back as well but kept his eye's on her.

"I feel in need of an lullaby." She heard him whisper.

'A lullaby?' She thought. 'The king of wolf's want's me to sing him a lullaby? Nobody would ever believe this.'

Letting out a sigh she turned her head to the window. She could see the night sky and could barely make out the star's. Maybe she could sing to him the lullaby that her mum used to sing to her when she was but a small child. She took a breath in before letting it out slowly.

"Lullaby, and good night, in the skies star's are bright.
May the Moon's silvery beam's bring you sweet dream's.
Close your eye's now and rest, may these hour's be blessed.
'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby, and goodnight, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arm's.

Sleepyhead, close your eye's, for I'm right beside you.
Guardian Angel's are near, so sleep without fear.
Lullaby, and goodnight, with Rose's bedight.
Lillie's o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.

To Have RosalineWhere stories live. Discover now