Chapter 39- The End of the World?

Start from the beginning

And the others were scattered around the room, waiting for their decision. Ares polished his weapons,

 Athena was studying a map, Hephaestus checked his newest inventions, Artemis was loading silver bows in her quiver. Apollo was standing with his wife Daphne beside him. She was also an immortal but she was a nymph and her powers were not as great as ours. He feared for her safety and she would be one of the few who would be left behind here on Olympus.

Seeing them saying goodbye to each other brought a pang to my chest. I missed Aurea and I missed her greatly. The past three days without her have been hell. I never had a wink of sleep for my mind was plagued with chaotic thoughts. I constantly thought of her and how she is. I tried to think of the best but my mind loved to wander and thought of all the ways she could have been hurt.

“We have got to act now! We know where he is! We have to move!” Hades shouted. And one of the beautiful marble pillars burst because of the intensity of his rage.

“Every second we waste is another second that my son and my daughter falls further into his grasp.” Hades continued.

“I agree, brother. Every second we waste, Cronus gets stronger and stronger. And thousands more are going to die.”

“I know this. But the Titans have pledged their support. Without them, we are no match for Cronus. Poseidon can’t even calm the seas and the earth continues to tremble.” Zeus explained in an effort to placate his brother.

“For all we know, they could have changed their minds! I’d rather die fighting than waiting for allies that might never come!” Hades retorted.

And at his words, everyone’s heads turned towards them.

Could it be that the Titans have changed their minds? Have they finally realized that this is not their war but a war we are just dragging them into?

“I have faith in our Titan allies, brother. They will be here.” Poseidon calmly told Hades.

“I am not wasting another second here.” Hades said through gritted teeth. He turned around and started to march across the throne room to get his queen. His face was set in a fierce scowl and I knew then that he was planning on storming towards Cronus’ island and fighting him himself.

I extricated myself from one of the pillars and gripped the weapon that the Titans gave me very tightly. “I will come with you.” I told Hades. But as I was walking towards him, the ground began to tremble.

Then, silence fell all over the room as the gods and goddesses glanced around their surroundings. A few seconds later and what felt like a massive earthquake began to shake Olympus.

And then chaos ensued.

The floor appeared as though it was rising and falling because of the intensity of the quakes. Screams echoed across the room as the beautiful sculptures, hanging torches, various vases and the archways all crashed to the ground. The shaking was so intense that all of us also fell on the floor. I grabbed a nearby pillar and held on. I also grabbed Hera who slid towards me and anchored her towards the pillar.

For what felt like a long time, we were bounced up and down while other parts of Zeus’ castle started to fall.

And lastly, a large crack appeared in the throne room and it widened and deepened until the place was split into two. After that, the quakes started to slowly ease away until there were only slight tremors.

And before everything completely stopped, Cronus’ laughter echoed all over Mount Olympus.

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