"That's...actually a good question." Aisha mumbled. All heads turned to Speka for the answer.

"W-well here's where the story gets weird," Speka began playing with her fingers. "They say the six chosen represented the six elements of life-some sources call it the six main elements of magic."

How strange. It sounds like these "six elements" are referring to the El Shards.

'It wouldn't surprise me if it had something to do with El Shards. Everyone seems to be obsessed with them.'

"During this time people believed the magic from the six elements flowed freely and in sync with one another. The energy released is said to bring life to new forests, heal those who are sick or injured, and some even say its a time where souls from the dead return to dance under the solar eclipse."

"Spooky ghosts go dancing...got it." Elsword whispered. Aisha shushed him promptly.

"We celebrate this phenomenon every year, but the truth is this event only takes place every three years. That's why the festivals and events held every third year is so big." Speka finished. "This year is the third year and the activity brewing from the demons have been very concerning-"

"We normally don't care about such an old tale but this year we have been paying close attention to such stories." Lento piped in. We greeted Lento and expanded our circle to make some room for him to sit.

"Thank you for the extra space but I won't be here for long." He waved his hand dismissively. "I'm here to discuss some things with you." He waited for us to retract our circle before continuing. "Until recently we have not confirmed the existence of El Shards, but now that they have been brought to light, we are concerned about their links to the legend."

"You think the El Shards would activate on their own?" I asked.

"I believe they have always activated during this time of year." He clarified. "I also believe these demons have learned of their existence and made it their goal to get such a treasure."

"But can these demons even think with that much complexity?" Raven arched his brow. "How did this information even get out to them anyways?"

Lento shrugged," knights like to spread news like wild fire. At some point a nearby demon must have over-heard their conversation."

Note to self, never discuss important information out in the open. You never know when someone is listening nearby.

"You also shouldn't underestimate the demons' intelligence." Speka added. "We've seen some really smart ones, some could even talk and shout commands."

Fighting a horde of mindless demons was already going to be heard enough, but now we also had to worry about intelligent foes. I shuddered at the thought of it.

"We don't have solid proof of this claim yet so we shouldn't dwell too deep into it." Lento quickly changed the subject. "For now I need you all to focus on climbing the Feita Temple. We've sensed magical pulses coming from it and the demon activity surrounding it has risen drastically."

"Is that what we'll be doing tomorrow?" Elsword asked with widened eyes. "Do we need to climb the entire thing?"

"I'm not expecting you to climb the entire Temple in one day, boy." Lento's lips twitched into an amused smile. "That'd be impossible with the amount of demons present there."

"You guys are helping my team tomorrow," Speka answered for Lento excitedly. "We're gonna recapture the first level of the Temple."

"Speka," Lento frowned at her response.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now