Painful Discoveries

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Dear Issac,

Detective Hail said we should check the morgue just in case there was any clues there. At first I  didn't want to do it because i didn't want to see your body laying lifelessly there and remembering that you're gone. But then I thought about it and realized that if we did do this then we could find out more things about your death and use those clues to get you justice.

Detective Hail took us to the morgue and asked for all the paper work on your body a few months ago. The lady who worked there kindly hanged him the folder with the information. As Detective Hail opened the folder the first thing that I noticed was that this wasn't you.

The lady must have given us the wrong folder because this one didn't have your picture in it. Instead, it had a picture of a guy who looked exactly like you, but I knew it wasn't you. I knew because I just knew you too well and this wasn't you.

I told Detective Hail this, and he asked if i was sure that this wasn't your body. I told him I was sure and he quickly asked the lady about your body. She had said that this was indeed the body that they brought and said that you were Issac Matthews. I was now really confused. This must have been all just a big misunderstanding because THIS WASN'T YOUR BODY!! At this point I was now freaking out. I'm really confused and I don't know what to do. Detective Hail continued to look through all your information. But most of what I couldn't stop thinking of is....if this isn't your body, then where is your real body??



This is just a filler chapter so sorry if it's short. I'll be sure to update soon. ;))

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