Digging Deeper

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Dear Issac,

When I woke up this morning I felt determined and brave. I went to school. After school was over, I walked to MacArthur's. It was about a 30 minute walk. As I walked into the store I began to look around.

I had walked to the clerk and said, 'Excuse me. I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.' The clerk nodded her head. 'On April 5, I think someone bought a costume here. It was a clown costume. Can you please tell me if you have on your records who bought it.' I had asked her.

I knew I couldn't get that kind of information so I had asked detective Hail to accompany me. He gladly agreed. He was the only person I had told about my discoveries. He also thought that your death wasn't a suicide. Detective Hail showed the clerk his badge and she gladly went to the back room to check the records.

The clerk had came back and told us that there was only three people who bought clown costumes that day, the day of your death. We had gotten all their name. Christan Harley. Lucy Marlow. Brandon Garcia. Those were the people who had bought the costume on that day.

Detective Hail and I went back to the station. We searched up the three people's names on the criminal records. We found out that Christian Harley, 38 years old, had been charged for second degree murder when he was 21 but then he was proven innocent and was set free. When he was 29 he was arrested for 3 kidnappings but since the families didn't want to press any charges in fear, he was released. We found out that he lives only a few towns away.

Lucy Marlow was an 18 year old girl. She had a perfect record. She had nothing on her criminal record. So she was clean. She lived a few blocks away from our school since she also attended our school. We checked her background and she had the perfect life.

Brandon Garcia was an 22 year old guy who worked in a video game store just across the street from our school. We checked his background and found out that when he was 11 his parents were murdered. They never found the killers. Him and his 5 years old sister had to go live with their aunt. When he was 18, his aunt had died in an accident. Since he was old enough for legal custody, he took full custody of his 12 years old sister. Their story was very sad. Having to lose their parents at a very young age and then losing his aunt.

The next day Detective Hail and I will be visiting these people and asking them a few questions. Detective Hail didn't want me coming along. He said it was dangerous but, of course, I insisted. He wasn't going to stop me from going. Eventually, he gave in and agreed. So we will be going tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we will have all day to investigate.

My parents haven't got a clue what I've been up to these past few days and I don't plan on them knowing. They would ban me from going any further. They wouldn't want me to investigate. They wouldn't understand.

Kate has been asking me a lot of questions lately. Like, 'where do I go all the time after school?' or 'why am I suddenly super busy?'

I've been trying to avoid her so I wouldn't have to answer her questions. But I know she would eventually find out. I just hope she doesn't.

I'll continue to tell you what else I've figured out. Don't worry, we'll catch the culprit. I promise.


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