Bi || Imagine Thirty Eight

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"I feel so guilty, like I stare him in the face and act like everything is fine and dandy. I'm going to hell."

Y/F/N listened as you guys sat comfy on her couch. Things were getting serious for Derek and you were out fulfilling needs that Derek couldn't.

"You're right, Derek is a good man and you're doing him dirty. You're wrong for that, I've never felt like Derek wasn't the type to be understanding, especially over something you can't control."

She was right, and plus it was worse because you were playing both him and his sister.

"I'm fucked. I swear I love the both of them so much but they're brother and sister once they find out, all hell will break loose."

You knew it was your fault, but it happened so quick, it was impossible to stop.

"They don't have to find out, you'd have to breakup with the both of them, and hope like hell they don't go running to each other."

It seemed ideal, if they weren't so close. Delany had not yet come out to her parents and Derek was the only one who knew, and it'd be a ticking time bomb.

"I hate that I did this to the both of them. I'd got caught up in the thrill and ecstasy of being with Delany, and the way Derek treated me..."

You threw your head back in frustration. Y/F/N was of no help like you expected, but she was a great listener.

"I don't know what to tell you mama, you're going have to come clean and accept the consequences, no matter what they are. If you keep poking the bear he's gonna fucking snap."

You weren't sure how things were gonna go but you knew that you'd have to come clean, and you planned to do it right away, if you waited any longer you'd chicken out. I mean wouldn't you?

"Thanks, I'll call you later, if I'm not dead."

You got up and gave your best friend a hug, you knew she was reliable, you always have her.

"Okay, I'll be here."

You huffed before leaving her house with little to no hope. As soon as you got in the car you decided to call Derek.

"Hello baby? Are you okay?"

Derek knew you weren't one to call and interrupt him while he was working so it was logical for him to be concerned.

"Yeah, well no, but I really need you to meet me at the Starbucks close to the house."

With that you hung up. There were millions of ways the situation could play out but you were hoping that you'd get away with a breakup and some yelling.

"Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me."

You were playing Mario already trying to get yourself ready for whatever shit show that was about to play out.

"Hey baby."

Derek showed up with that bright smile of his trying to remain optimistic.

"You're probably gonna regret calling me that, but hey."

He frowned but took a seat setting his car keys aside.

"Why did you wanna meet at Starbucks, you hate the smell of coffee. You think it's what hell should smell like."

He was right, to you it was absolutely revolting that smell.

"I deserve to go to hell. I hate myself for what I have done to you but I rather tell you then you having to hear it from someone else."

He immediately clenched his fist and clenched his jaw. You nearly cried at the sight.

"Who is he Y/n?"

You set your head down trying to grasp Derek's hand but he refused.

"It's more like who is she."

His eyes widened but in a sense they showed some relief. You thought it was some egotistical thing.

"What? You've been cheating on me with a female? That seems very greedy, but it makes sense. I was wondering why you were blowing me off. I guess dick's not good enough for you?"

If he was mad about the female thing, he had another thing coming.

"That's not all, I met her at a bar, and after we started messing around, she finally told me her full name and its your sister."

The look he gave you, with bloodshot eyes, it tore you down but you brought it upon yourself.

"I don't believe you, first of all you never my sister and she never goes to bars, especially without me; plus that's my sister, she'd never do that to me."

You were most definitely wishing you were lying and you were playing some stupid prank.

"I was sure there was some mistake until she showed me a picture of you guys, I'm so sorry."

Derek closed his eyes trying to comprehend what he was hearing.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having these feelings, you know I would've supported you."

Truth was, you had no idea. Part of you thought it was shameful and part of you hoped that it was a phase and once you experimented you'd hate it.

"I hated myself for feeling the way I did, I thought that it was pitiful and I hoped it was just a phase."

Derek just looked at you, he knew wasn't gonna be able to stay mad at you, you were innocent and he saw that but he didn't condone cheating.

"I forgive you but you know I can't stay with you, maybe it would be different if it wasn't my sister."

You knew you'd get kicked to the curb and you knew that Derek deserved better than what you had to offer but you were definitely grateful he showed forgiveness.

"I know I didn't expect you to stay or anything but I do want you to know that I'm grateful for you and your sister had absolutely no clue that you and I were together."

He nodded and left. No goodbyes, no good lucks, no farewell. Now it was time to do it again but with his sister. Oh hell.

excuse the errors.

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