A No-Go || Imagine Forty Six

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"Mom, I don't think she's the one for me."

Coming to that conclusion was hard for Derek Luh to come to. It was no secret that he was dating the gorgeous model, Bella Vega and he indeed have love for her but he wasn't in love with her. It's tragic.

As it was hard for Derek to digest it was hard for his mother. She was the one who set them up after Derek mistakenly mentioned something about a small crush on her.

"What happened? I thought you were ready to marry Bella and have kids! Did you guys argue?"

Derek rubbed his forehead and took a sip of his Hennessy/Coke mixture. Soon after Robin took the cup and trashed it, she hated when Derek drank.

"No we haven't argued, I was introduced to something better than her and I hate to say it but I gave my heart to someone else."

Lowly, Robin expressed her disappointment. She was hoping he didn't cheat on Bella, she hoped she raised her boy better than that.

"Have you thought about this while sober, Derek? Is the sober Derek ready to throw away three years away for someone you think you're in love with."

This was the part of the conversation Derek hated, people always tried to downplay his decisions because he was drunk, when we all know that saying, "Drunk Words Spoken Are Sober Thoughts."

"Yes mom, sober me is more in love with her than drunk me. Sober me wants to do so much more than think about her in dirty ways. If you want me to elaborate I can."

Using context clues, Robin took a sigh of relief knowing that Derek didn't cheat.

"What does she look like? If you feel so strongly about her I want to meet her, I wanna know all about her."

With that Derek's phone rang with your name displayed on the phone.

"Is that her?"

Derek nodded and answered the phone call.

"Whatsup baby?"

Robin smiled at her sons pearly whites, she knew just by his smile that he at the least took a strong liking to you.

"I'm getting ready to cook and I wanted to know if I was cooking for two or just one tonight, and if so, do you have any requests?"

Derek smiled giddily but it was so involuntary, the sight of that warmed his mothers heart.

"Do you want to meet my mother?"

Totally ignoring your last question and blurting that statement startled all three persons involved. Robin froze from wiping down her granite countertops and maple wood cabinets. Robin was surprised but she knew she shouldn't have, Derek had always been full of surprises.

"Ummm, I was expecting more of an answer like spaghetti or burgers but if you feel like your ready and she is as well, then I'd love to Derek."

Derek bit his lip and looked towards his mom, letting his eyes ask the question. Robin being the sucker she was, she gestured to go through with the offer. She figured it had to of been someone special, considering the fact that Derek isn't the type to fall in love, if he could help it.

"I'm on my way to pick you up, take a shower and I'll be there in like an hour or two."

You both agreed and eventually hung up the phone. Robin enjoyed the dewy look Derek's face presented, he looked relieved instead of stressed, and he looked very starry eyed instead of dull.

"Derek I see that smile and it's so genuine baby, but does she know about your past and history, does she accept it?"

Derek nodded, and he understood all of his mothers concerns about you, it was so abrupt, the mention of you. The mention was abrupt, much like your appearance into Derek's life, nobody seen what happened, coming.

"We've talked about all of that, we've talked about nearly everything, and you know how? She's around when I call, she listens and gives the best advice, for almost every mistake I've made she's made one almost exactly like it. To some that's shameful and unacceptable, especially because she's a woman but to me it makes me feel like a human and I couldn't thank her enough for being there for me."

Robin threw her hands up in surrender. Robin had her sons back and will forever have his back but she'd be lying if she said that she didn't feel bad for Bella.

"I can tell there's love between you too and I love how she's so respectful, I heard that conversation you guys were having, no matter how low you thought that volume was."

Derek rested his face in his hands, and allowed himself to enjoy the lightness of his shoulders now that he had nothing to hide or nothing to lug around.

"I love her so much, I wanna put my babies in her."

Robin gagged at that statement, the last thing she wanted to hear was her son talk about putting babies places.

"Derek go pick up Y/n and bring her over and please don't rush into babies, I'm too young to be a grandma, just yet."

Derek happily complied but couldn't make any promises about the baby part.

"I'll be back, love you mom."

Derek lastly shouted before rushing out of the door to go see the light of his life, and for once it wasn't lean.

Derek Luh Interracial Imagines & PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ