Aggravated Assault || Imagine Twenty Nine

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"Babe calm down and let's go!" You spoke softly.

"I'm not gonna do that Y/n; he just shoved you knocking you over, and you want me not to do anything!" He yelled with venom laced in his tone.

"He's not worth the time, energy, nor the assault charge." I stayed calm.

"I think he is..." He trailed off as he clenched his jaw.

"No he's not, let's get in the car and let's go home." He reluctantly agreed and say in the drivers seat of his Ferrari.

"Y/n, you got me now, but if I catch him in anywhere his ass is mine!" He started the car as he rested his arm on the middle console.

You wrapped your arm around his and placed your head on his shoulder.

Tonight wasn't a good night, and you were feeling hella guilty. Having dinner with your current boyfriend and enemy wasn't a very good idea after all.

After a while of sitting in the parking lot of the Olive Garden restaurant Derek started his car and started to head home.

The ride was silent, nothing but the sound of light jazz played throughout the car. "I'm so sorry Derek!" You broke down eventually, your heart is so warm and inviting so naturally you saw the best in everybody and that put you in a bad situation tonight.

"It's not your fault babe. I'm not mad at you." He kissed your hand gently before making a right into the subdivision. "I--" You just dropped the whole subject and waited patiently for Derek to park the car.

As you guys reached the door and unlocked it; you both went separate ways. You headed to the kitchen to pour a heavy glass of Chardonnay.

As you ascend your way up the stairs you hear the shower running and you take the opportunity to grab some night clothes a blanket a pillow, and a book.

You knew the fall that you took was gonna leave a big bruise, you put on some shorts and an oversized shirt.

You left your bra and evening clothes neatly folded on the dresser; you took your pillow, blanket and book downstairs into the living room before Derek could finish showering.


"Hey baby.." Derek plopped down on the couch where you were laying. Derek barely called you baby so you knew he was either trying to get some or comfort you.

"Why are you sleeping down here?" He asked he sat his hand on your thigh which hurt horrendously bad.

"I just wanna be alone. I feel like an idiot, and my body hurts a little bit." You spoke, his face fell.

"No that's not true; you just tend to see the good in people; no matter what. I love that about you." That made your heart flutter a bit.

"Derek, I just want to be alone...fuck I am so stupid!" You cried turning on your side.

"Baby stop it! Your heart is so pure and perfect; and so many people out here know that, it sucks to see that so many people want to take advantage of that." He kissed you preparing to get under the covers with you.

You panicked and pulled you shirt down a bit further. "Y/n what's wrong?" He asked cautiously.

"Nothing just trying to get comfortable." You responded.

Derek knew you were lying; every time you lie your nose flared.

He ignored the situation and got under the covers. He put his hand on your hips beginning to rub around.

You took his hands off your thigh and put it on your shoulder.

Now he knew something was up; you never turned down a rub down from Derek, it was just your favorite thing ever.

"Y/n what are you hiding?" Busted you didn't want Derek to be upset again but he was gonna find out sooner or later.

You uncovered yourself showing him the big and nasty bruise you had.

"Oh my god! Y/n." Derek grabbed the bridge of his nose.

"Baby don't be upset!" You begged. This was all your fault.

You already felt bad but him being upset made you feel even worse.

"The next time I see him I will murder him and I put that on everything I love!" He gritted through his teeth.

"Please Derek I just wanna forget about this, stop that; don't be mad." You started to cry and he engulfed you in a hug.

"I'm sorry baby let's go to sleep." He carried you upstairs and you both indulged in some funny reality tv and ice cream alongside the rest of the Chardonnay, and fell asleep a short time later.

Derek Luh Interracial Imagines & PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ