You Rejected, Now You Regret It || Imagine Ten

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May 16, 2011

"The school year is almost over, you've been crushing since freshman year, you better go and talk to him."

Your best friend was trying her best to encourage you to go talk to your crush Derek Luh. Oh how he was adorable and daddy as fuck.

"I don't know, look at me, I'm dressed in sweats a hoodie, I have on glasses, and my hair is just a big puff. I mean have you seen his last girlfriend, he'll never go for someone like me."

You say and depicted yourself, his ex was modeled material, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, perfect boobs and perfect legs. You couldn't compare.

"You never know what could happen, and I don't know if you noticed but you're finer the fine wine. Sure, your attire may need to be fixed but your gorgeous."

Her quick confidence booster did encourage you to go talk to him. You huffed and walked up to Derek very optimistic and when he turned around he look disgusted by your existence.

"Hi, my name is Y/n and I was wondering if you and I could talk for a little bit."

You pushed up your glasses and his friends Kevin and Chad bursted out into laughter, even Derek giggled.

"What do you wanna talk about physics?"

Derek clowned you and you couldn't help but feel insecure, and you weren't even a nerd, you just preferred to be comfortable while in school.

"No, I just—"

You tried to explain but Derek cut you off.

"Look here Mighty B, save yourself the embarrassment and just move on with your life, I'm not interested in your quantum physics homework and if you even thought about coming over here thinking about a date, ha I feel bad."

At that point you wanted die, your crush was not the guy you dreamed about. You walked away as they shared a laugh over your embarrassment. Your best friend looked at you with eyes full of sympathy, she tried to talk to you but you waved her off.

From that day forward, you wanted to make them eat their hearts for what they did.

February 15, 2016

"Y/n! Y/n!"

Paparazzi spazzed out as you hopped out of your limo with your security and best friend. A whole five years and a lot has changed, you blew up and was considered one of the best vocalist of all time at the age of twenty one. Your career had broken some records, at this point you had seven Grammys under your belt and tonight you were nominated for nine more.

"Oh my gosh Y/n! I love you!"

You watched fans cry their eyes out just by you signing some merch and a couple pictures.

"Miss Y/n, you have to walk the red carpet now!"

Your manager rushed you, you said a nice farewell to your fans and walked on to the carpet. Paparazzi went crazy, hundred different voices yelling and you just kept cool and slayed for their camera and kept telling yourself how they were gonna get good money off you. You walked slowly down the line and boom,

"Derek Luh, to your left!"

You heard paparazzi yelp and you couldn't help but smile. You were the reason he was at the Grammy's tonight. He got some recognition after you posted a snapchat of you lip-syncing his song "It's Luh," you felt it was appropriate to help others in need.

"Look what Y/n can do, and people say you're a selfish bitch? You just gave someone a career!"

Your best friend whispered, she was petty and you loved it. Ever since that horrific scene with Derek, she made sure you stayed motivated and never took no for an answer, you owed most of your success to her. You continued to walk the carpet heading to do some interviews.

"Hello beautiful!"

The producers of E news addressed with respect and after a bit of small talk you guys started filming.

"So we have the beautiful Y/n here with us tonight and we all are ready to see her take home her Grammy's tonight!"

I laughed at her confidence and a couple questions in she started to ask Derek.

"How did you find out about his music, I mean he went from a couple shows here and there to headlining tours and front row seats at the Grammy's."

I chuckle deviously and decided to keep our past a secret.

"In my free time I search YouTube and I came across a couple of videos of his and I liked his song "It's Luh," I thought it was comical and yeah."

I answered and she thanked me before I walked onto the carpet again.


You turned to see Derek Luh, the guy who chopped you up and threw you away in your junior year.

"Ah Derek!"

You watched as his eyes slowly wandered around your body basically undressing you with his eyes. You weren't mad, you looked fabulous with a classy yet risqué dress on.

"I guess I owe all of this to you huh?"

He smiled, shoving his hands in his slack pockets.

"Maybe, maybe not! Who knows!"

You smiled and looked over to your best friend who had a smirk on her face.

"It's funny to see how you still think about me even after we've graduated."

Cocky much?

"Be happy, I gave your career a boost, I thought I'd give a thanks."

He huffed and readjusted himself.

"Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry for junior year. I was a dick."

You rolled your eyes and began to walk away it of course he stopped you.

"I forgot to ask you for your autograph."

He smirked handing me a sharpie. You took the marker and signed his picture of you.

"I also forgot to ask you if you'd like to hop in the studio with me and collab, since we're doing business and what not."

You mentally face-palmed, you didn't wanna just jump into the studio with him but he was a fantastic artist so eh.

"When you figure out what you want, have your people contact my people."

Were you about to let him get the last laugh? Hell no.

"When you stop feeling shitty about turning me down a couple years ago, I'll think about it."

He froze completely in his tracks, he but his lip and nodded his head accepting defeat. You smiled, and thought that tonight shall be iconic.

"Aww poor Derek, you rejected, now you regret it!"

Your best friend commented, and you laughed. You both looked back to see him with a look of regret but it was very masked due to the public setting. Although Derek was left sad, it felt liberating to make someone eat their words.

Derek Luh Interracial Imagines & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now